Insomnia Help


Hi Everyone

I hope someone out there can help me with this problem I've been having with insomnia. It's gone on now for 2 weeks and I'm about at my wits end believe me. In the past I've had problems falling to sleep maybe a night of two when I've been stressed about something but nothing like this. I'm awake every night until 2 or 3AM and I have to get up and go to work in the morning! Needless to say my workouts aren't going as well as they used to before all this started. Have any of you out there experienced anything like this. I think it would help me just to know I'm not alone in this. If so, what did you do? I'd appreciate any and all suggestions - as you can imagine I'm pretty desperate at this point. I guess I should add I'll be 51 years old in a week and have read that isomnia can be one of the many things we have to contend with during the pre-menopausal stage. There's just gotta be something I can do though isn't there? I just can't stand the thought of having to put up with this another night. Thanks in advance for your help.

I have a terrilbe time with sleep :( Here are some suggestions (other than the usual "liimit caffeine," etc.):

1. Valerian Root (pure) tea. Not Chamomile or any mixture. Pure Valerian Root (available at GNC). It tastes horrible but it makes you drowsy!

2. Liquid Chlorophyl

3. Nap when you can. My doctor advised me to try and sleep whenever I could to catch up. Before, I had never wanted to sleep during the day because I felt that would lessen my chances of sleeping through the night. After a few days of catch up, it helped.

4. When you wake, try to just rest and relax rather than getting upset, reading or watching tv.

5. Don't read or watch tv while in bed, or if you do, leave the room while you do it and return to bed when ready to try to sleep.

It stinks! Trust me, I know x( My doctor ended up prescribing a medication for me b/c this happens to me every 6 - 8 months for about 3 - 4 months at a time.
I started having insomina for the first time in my life when I reached my 50's. I can fall asleep, but I can't stay asleep. I wake up at 2 or 3 AM and can't get back to sleep. I'm assuming my insomnia is age-related.

After researching the subject of insomnia on the Internet, I found that Melatonin and Benadryl taken at bedtime works wonders for me. I have to limit caffeine and high carb foods after 3:00 pm or that affects my sleep.

If you can pinpoint what is causing your insomnia, you can find the most effective way to treat it. You might have to see a doctor. Insomnia can be pure hell. I hope you find relief soon.
I had insomnia problems for a long time during law school, and it got bad enough that I went to the doctor for it. My doctor recommended the following things:

1) don't do anything in bed but sleep and... well, you know what. Those should be the only two activities on the bed. I still love to read in bed sometimes, but try to go to the couch.

2) No caffeine after 2 pm and also cut down on the amount during the morning.

3) don't exercise at night. This sometimes makes it hard to sleep.

4) Part of my problem was too much stress - I would lay in bed thinking too much and worrying about things that I couldn't go to sleep - so I had to do stress relieve techniques during the day. Started doing yoga, taking long baths, doing my nails, breathing exercises.

5) Also, start a routine to get ready for bed that you do every night so that your mind registers that it is time for bed - you shouldn't have any stimulus such as tv or reading right before bed. My routine is something like this: have a cup of tea (uncaffinated), then I would take a bath, and then crawl straight into bed and do some deep breathing exercises. If you just focus on breathing deeply and not "trying to fall asleep" then you just start drifting off after while.

My doctor prescripted Ambien for a week to get my cycle back on schedule. I wouldn't recommend taking any sleep aid, even over the counter stuff, for more than a week, but it is good to get your body back on track. I take Simply Sleep if I have not been sleeping well for a few nights to get myself to go to sleep earlier.
Chronic insomniac here! I've found that melatonin works pretty well for me, but when I'm determined, NOTHING will knock me out, including the few times I've broken down and gotten prescriptions. I set my clock before getting into bed and then turn it towards the wall-- if I wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep, seeing the time will make me panic.Television actually helps me sleep because I stop thinking and worrying, and focus on the program. For the past few months, I've been listening to talk radio at night and have been drifting off fairly easily.

Hello Again!

Thanks to all of you who responded to my plea for help with the insomnia issue. It means a lot to know that not only are there others out there with the same problem but that you would take the time to write back to me so soon with such well thought out solutions. I'm really very touched. I have actually tried the valerian herb (not tea) and I think that's probably what has helped me finally get to sleep when I have (around 2 or 3 in the AM). Simply Sleep works only sometimes. I also have tried Melatonin in the past for the same type problem. I never would have asked for help except that it's gone on so long now. I will admit to being a caffeine fiend but I never drink it at night. I can see where maybe I'll have to cut it out drastically or possibly all together. It's gonna be tough giving up reading in bed 'cause I can't remember a time when I didn't do that. I will try all your suggestions - I promise. I really don't want to have to go prescription sleep aids. As it is I'm afraid of becoming dependent on the Valerian, etc. Anyway thanks again so much for your helpful suggestions. You are all wonderful. Have a terrific Thanksgiving everyone!!:9

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