Insanity and running?


I start Insanity on 09/13 (finally! :):):)) but I don't want to lose my running mojo that I've built up this year. I've got a couple 5Ks, a 5.5 mile trail run, an 8K, and a 15K run race left scheduled this year. I got Insanity for my bday in May, and it didn't fit at all into my scheduled until Sept. I've been training for my 1st HM, so that has been my cardio focus. In training for this half, I've been sucked in big time to running.

I want to do the Insanity program as written. Should I toss in a run on the shorter workout days? Before or after the workout? Or, should I use the off day once a week for a run? I'm thinking 6-8 miles. I don't want to lose my mojo before my 15K.

My normal schedule is 3 days of weights and 4 of cardio, and I rarely take a complete rest day, unless I'm really not feeling it. However the weight days give my body a break from all the pounding cardio. The Insanity rotation isn't going to allow for that, except for the 1 rest day. So I'm not sure I should run thru that.

I certainly don't want to injure, break, damage, wear out, pull, strain, or otherwise end up at the Drs office. I also don't want to run myself ragged.
I ran and did Insanity at the same time. I only ran 2 times a day, but I did it while following the Insanity rotation. One short run and one long run on the weekends. I am a faster runner now than ever and I think it's because I cross you will not lose your mojo by cutting back. I guarantee it!! Do what works for you, one run or 2 runs a weeks. Insanity will help improve your running.
I ran while I did Insanity -- Before Insanity I was running 25 - 30 miles a week, running 4 days a week. Doing Insanity I was to exhausted to run that much, and lift, and work, and take care of my kids, etc., etc., etc.

I cut my running down to 2 days and about 14 miles a week and while it worked for me, it was hard because I love to run and I missed it very very very much. I love Insanity and enjoyed doing it but I was extremely happy to be done with it so I could refocus on the running. I think its very possible to incorporate it into your training you just have to find what works for you. Your running will definitely improve after Insanity --

Have fun!

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