Insane Party- Tuesday 10/13/09


Marianee- Congratulations-very impressive results. I too agree that Insanity withdrawal is real! Let me know if you do Insanity again in the first part of the year. I may do it with you.

Brenda- I also do two Insantiy workouts per week. Last week I did my favorites- MIP and MIST. This week I plan to do MIST and MIC.

Jennifer --I am in my last week of Phase two of P90X. I subbed MIP for Plyo X. I sub MIST for KenpoX or a month one Insanity workout workouts.

I really do not want to lose all of the cardio gains that I made with Insanity.
After doing an Insanity workout I definitely know that I have worked out.

Did you get the email that Shaun T is going to be on Dr Oz's show?

Thanks for the recommendations for subbing Insanity in P90X, Regina :) I wasn't sure about subbing a M2 workout since I did not want it to interfere with the P90X strength-work, but I will try it and MIST sounds like a great sub for Kenpo, too!! :D
Good Morning,
I know it's no longer Tuesday, but I figured I would pop in here instead of starting a new thread. I was gone the weekend, and have been doing my best impression of a slug during my "recovery" week after completing Insanity.

I have a plan of attack finally. I will be doing weight work 2 or 3 times a week and hit the treadmill 3 days. I really don't like jogging or steady state cardio, so I'm going to work on that (sort of get my veggies in until I start STS again).

So today was a 2.5 mile walk/jog. Not much I know, but a big step for me. :eek:
I need to create a few new playlists for my MP3 player. My current ones are getting old. I don't use them often, but I've heard them enough that I'm tired of them....

Jennifer, It's so great to see you stop by.

Everyone has had some awesome results. I'm so proud of all of us. :D

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