Marianee- Congratulations-very impressive results. I too agree that Insanity withdrawal is real! Let me know if you do Insanity again in the first part of the year. I may do it with you.
Brenda- I also do two Insantiy workouts per week. Last week I did my favorites- MIP and MIST. This week I plan to do MIST and MIC.
Jennifer --I am in my last week of Phase two of P90X. I subbed MIP for Plyo X. I sub MIST for KenpoX or a month one Insanity workout workouts.
I really do not want to lose all of the cardio gains that I made with Insanity.
After doing an Insanity workout I definitely know that I have worked out.
Did you get the email that Shaun T is going to be on Dr Oz's show?
Brenda- I also do two Insantiy workouts per week. Last week I did my favorites- MIP and MIST. This week I plan to do MIST and MIC.
Jennifer --I am in my last week of Phase two of P90X. I subbed MIP for Plyo X. I sub MIST for KenpoX or a month one Insanity workout workouts.
I really do not want to lose all of the cardio gains that I made with Insanity.
After doing an Insanity workout I definitely know that I have worked out.
Did you get the email that Shaun T is going to be on Dr Oz's show?