Hey Girls!
Busy...busy day! I almost have everything done. I have DH cleaning downstairs while I check in! LOL He has to do SOMETHING, right? I put DS to bed and had a little cat nap so DH started in while I was sleeping. I need it though.
The party doesn't start until 5:30 tomorrow so I am hoping my day won't be to crazy. I have all the balloons blowen up so now I have to put them up but b/c DS is such a balloon freak, I will have to wait until the last minute.
I went for a run outside today. I didn't think I was going to get a workout in at all but when DD came home from school I asked her to watch DS for a few mins so I could get a run in. She had to be at v-ball pratice at 4:30 so I only squeezed a 9 k run in. But that was better then nothing. Which means I am behind on my STS rotation already
So my mom was here...which you guys know about and its so bitter sweet. Such a weird relationship. I love my mom and she is a good mom, she always means well but it seems like whatever I am doing or whatever I am about to do, there is always a better way of doing it. No matter what it is. And its not just that, she is always telling me what to do. Like today we were out and about and I was going to pick mcdonalds up for the kids and she thinks that they should share their meal instead of having their own. I told her that my running partner was going to TX for a marathon and she asked "how much is that costing her" What a strange questions to ask. I don't have a clue how much it is costing her. I was gonna make shortbread cookies but so and so has a really good recipe, do you use waxpaper with yours? Drop them by spoonfuls? Meanwhile, she as never tasted these cookies herself but she is suggesting that I make those instead of the ones I normally make. The dog barks when she comes in last night and she makes more noise telling the dog to be quiet then the dog made to begin with. I have to bite my tongue so much when she is around b/c I know I will feel bad after she leaves. The last time she was here she decided to iron clothes on my kitchen table...now I have a big white spot on my table b/c she melted the varnish on it. She folds clothes straight out of the dryer thats still damp. While I was making supper on Tues evening, which is madness enough, she wants to start laundry, when I tell her no she suggest taking down the christmas tree. I know all these things seem so small but its minute after minute of this and that...then something else. I know she is just trying to help but a compliment wouldn't hurt either.
Laura** Sounds like you had a good workout yesterday. Snow? I think we have your weather
This climate is very strange!
Diana** When will you get to see the girls again? Hope you have a safe flight.
DH wants to go for a walk now and then get in the hot tub....its almost 11 o'clock