I remember reading in one post that someone has made a list of all the exercises in insanity workouts? I don't mean to be cheeky, but my Insanity Deluxe package doesn't work
I got it off Ebay, and it's non exchangeable. It was a 'free bonus' with the real thing, and as this is all that doesn't work properly, I am not overly upset. However, the Insane Abs and Maximum Sports training are all there, just the chapters are in the wrong order. If anyone has the exercises written down, in the order that they come, could you please send them to me? It would help greatly, as I already have the footage, if I knew what order they were supposed to be in
I haven't developed a written list of the INSANE abs drills, but here goes with MIST:
Jump rope
Switch heels ("jump rope heels")
Switch heels higher
Jump rope side to side
Knee pulls standing leg straight, then standing leg bent 45-degrees, then standing leg bent and support hand on the floor (this really, REALLY scorches the glutes!)
Cross-jabs in a grounded squat (singles; doubles; quadruples; octuples)
Uppercuts in a grounded squat (singles; doubles; quadruples; octuples)
Sets of 8 jabs + 8 wide power jumps (wide tuck jumps)
Sets of fast football feet and traveling planks ("Football drills")
Sets of triceps pulsing push-ups (hands and arms close to body)
Sets of Power squat hops side to side ("Tackle")
Sets of Forward Elbow Strikes in a moving squat ("Offensive Line Elbow")
Sets of continuous jump shots on each side ("3 point shot & run")
Sets of power hopw forward and 180-degree squat-jump-turn ("Guard Drills")
Sets of running laterally and touching down ("Suicide drills")
Sets of Plyo Lunges ("Basketball Dribble")
Sets of Pike Planks keeping feet wide and pushing off the floor ("Pike Jumps")
Sets of Pike Plank Pendulums, keeping feet wide ("Pike Pendulum")
Seated flutter kicks
Seated long-leg criss-crosses
V-push-ups in pike position (hands turned inward)
High-knee fast-run LADDER (my alltime favorite!):
15 seconds; rest 15 seconds
30 seconds; rest 15 seconds
45 seconds; rest 15 seconds
60 seconds; rest 15 seconds
45 seconds; rest 15 seconds
30 seconds; rest 15 seconds
15 seconds; rest 15 seconds*
Long-Jump drill:
Sets of Jog / Fast Run / LONG JUMP forward and hammer down
(5 powering off right leg on LONG JUMP; 5 powering off left leg on LONG JUMP)
Cool down.
*On this last 15 second blast of the running ladder drill, all of the studio peeps gather around Shaun going all out, in a communal burst of energy and joy! This one never, ever fails to get me whooping in joy myself! I have to really tie myself down not to do MIST too often - lotsa times I just live for that drill.
Hope this helps!