inner thigh confusion

Hellow cathe and to all,

I am having prolems doing inner thigh work. I am not sure if my prolem is improper form ot too much weight. I stand about shoulder width apart and then turn my toes out. When i squat, my butt goes back, like towards the wall be hind me, then i push up with my heels. I use a 35lb barbell. I do not feel anything in the thigh area after or even a day after. Sometimes my feet get tingling feeling in them as well. I not sure if the weight i am using is too much. I would appreciate some of your pointer,since we all know how benefical they are, or a particular video you would recommend. Thank you for taking the time and answering all our questions. Love all your videos-KEEP KICKING BUTT.
Hi Lindda! It sounds k=like you are talking about plie squats, the squats which recruit a bit more inner thigh muscle. If this is the case then the standing position that you described is incorrect and most likely why you are not feeling it.

For plie squats your stance should be wider than shoulder width apart. Lets work on this together with no weights for right now.

1) Stand in front of a mirror.
2) Separate your legs beyond shoulder width apart.
3) Angle your toes and knees out to the sides (imagining your feet to be hands on a clock, if your toes were pointed straight we would call this 12 oclock. So aim your left toe and knee to about 10 oclock and your right toe and knee to about 2 oclock.)
4) Now do a test squat by going down as far as you comfortably can(but never dropping your buttocks below knee level).
5) While down in your furthest position, look in the mirror and center your legs so that your knee is lined up right above your heel or big toe. (alignment check: If your knee is beyond your big toe in this low position, then step out even further to the side to create a wider distance. If your knee barely lines up over your ankle, then step a little closer together to shorten your span a bit.)

Once in the proper stance, do a few squats without weight in this position and get comfortable with it. Your buttocks will be more tucked beneath you vs tilted back in the plie position. At the bottom of the squat feel the stretch in the inner thigh area. Now grab your weight and try it. The added weight will challenge the inner thighs much more now. Good Luck! :)!

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