Inner Ear Infection


New Member
I am a new poster here- not new to Cathe by any means, though :9 About two weeks ago, I noticed that I would get a "light" feeling while working out, couldn't get focused, loss of balance, and just plain tired so quickly into my workout. I went to the doctor last Wednesday because it got so bad to where I was in bed for three days beacause I was spinning SOOOO bad and couln't hardly feel my legs when I walked, or any part of my body, for that matter! And my neck is really stiff and sore- feels like I got into a accident or something. Well, the doctor said I have a inner ear infection and gave me some medicine to take. It's been since Wednesday that I've been on the med's and today I woke up and felt fine so I thought great! I get to work out. Well, I started my warm up and about 5 minutes into it, I started blacking out, losing focus, and felt like the ground was moving below me and couldn't focus on it-especially when I did side to side movements, turns, etc. This is so frustrating because I don't want to be out of exercise for a long period of time and am scared that this something more serious than an ear infection. Has anyone gone thru this or do you know someone who has? Does anyone have any suggestions what it may be? Sorry for the long post, but this is the trustworthy place I would come to to ask any questions! Thanks in advance

Hi Nikki

I hate to tell you this but you need to listen to your body. I battled an Upper Respitory Infection from November to May and where my cardio had suffered my weight training had not. My cardio is back to intermediate level but I "discovered" Margaret Richard tapes and was able to keep my weight training up so that part did not suffer. Funny thing is I never gained or lost weight but did manage to drop about half a size. I could tell this by the way my clothes were fitting. My eating habits never changed.

Good News is I am back to working out with Cathe but I will keep the Margaret Richard tapes they are definately (sp?)good at cross-training, especially when I am coming off of an illness or just have low energy that day.

I hope you feel better soon.

Hope you are better Kim. I can do light weight training and it is better if I lay down and do it. I tried to do heavy work-no way! Then I did Karen Voight Energy Sprint "arms" parts at the end of the cardio and was fine doing that. I just don't want to lose any of my definition and have to lay around or do nothing all the time. My doctor said it could take 6-8 weeks for this thing to take its course! I'll have to check out Margaret Richards tapes-thanks for the info;-)

Nikki,I get bad boughts of vertigo like you describe once or twice a year from allergies. My inner ears swell up and trap fluid, resulting in the dizzies and floor rushing up and whatnot. If yours is from an infection I am sure you will heal up fine. Until the fluid drains, bouncing around, sudden head movements, sitting up or down too quickly, etc, all give you that "I'm gonna pass out" thing. Sometimes driving will do it as well. My doctor has me take a potassium-sparing diuretic for 8 weeks when mine act up. I am sure once the infection clears and the fluid drains you'll be good as new. If you could do biking, or something similarly "grounded", or just take a week off, that would probably be best. Feel Better Soon!! :)
The weird thing is my doctor didn't give me an antibiotic for this. He just gave me some type of medicine used for motion sickness. Does this sound right? I am thinking of getting a second opinion, as I do not have a family doctor who I see regularly so it won't hurt and I have insurance.

I would see an ENT doc if your condition does not clear up in 10 days.
They need to determine what the issue is: is it allergies, a bacterial infection, a viral infection, or is it TMJ related? Those are the usual culprits. I went through 5 docs who proscribed everything in the world. I was on Entex for a year when I was around 23. Motion sickness is of course possible...and if you don't have a bacterial infection, antibiotics don't do anything and cause more harm than good.
Motion sickness pills usually have adverse interactions with all OTC allergy stuff, often decongenstants as well, so you shouldn't self-medicate. I was put on them as well. Didn't do squat, didn't address the issue of inner-ear swelling.
One thing you can try OTC, if you suspect allegies, that does not interact with anything is Nasalcrom nose spray. (Used to be Rx). It is not a steroid, not addictive, and will address any allergy-related swelling of the inner ear. Takes about 5-7 days to kick in. Just double check with the Pharmacist for possible drug interactions, but there should be none. :)

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