Initial weight gain?


New Member
Let me start by saying that I'm 5'5" and about 5-10 lbs from my goal weight.

Is it normal to have an initial weight gain when starting strength training?

In the past, I've 'started' a standard strength rotation or a slow/heavy rotation and I've always returned to my cardio workouts because of the initial weight gain.

I'm wondering if this is a proven thing or has happened in anyone else's experience. If so, what is an approximate number of days or weeks in which this initial weight gain will turn around to weight loss?

Thanks in advance for any input,

Yes it is quite normal so don't worry too much you often find that you gain pounds but lose inches. Also watch how lifting affects your apetite and make adjustments accordingly (don't cut down to balance out the weight gain).

I would say don't be afraid of the weight gain as longs as you are eating right not sure how long it lasts that may vary from person to person and also how much lifting you do and the weight but you should notice more definitition in muscles.

Hi Nat,

You will have some weight gain when you start strength training but it should go away soon. If you don't see it move (even a little) within a month, it's time for a diet change.

In my own experience, I have about 10 to 15 lbs to lose. I've really increased my strength training because of the information I've read here & a lot of other places. I've been doing this for about 2 months now. I have just seen my first weight loss. I weigh & measure on the first Monday of the month. I've lost .25 lbs since this time last month. BUT (wish I could use giant red letters here), I lost an inch in my waste & 3/4" in my hips!!!! You know I was doing a happy dance yesterday.

Of course we are all different & won't get the same results. It takes a lot of experimenting to find what will work for you. Those last 10 lbs are a killer to get rid of. Good luck!

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Me too, Nat! And mine definitely ISN'T all muscle! I'm just having faith and hanging in there. I think maybe in the beginning the exercise doesn't keep pace with the initial appetite increase? Anyway, I'm convinced that in the long run I'll be better off. Sorry I don't have any answers. I'm still trying to find my way in the dark with my new healthy life style!
Hi Nat. I have heard that this neighbor has experienced this. Her husband told her that your muscles retain water when you begin a weight trainning program...especially a heavy one. I don't know if this is true, but anywho. It may depend on your body type as well. I have found that I have to do light weights, high reps and alot of cardio to get firm. If I do high weight,i definately bulk. It may take you a few months to experiment and find what works best for you. Keep up with the weights, though. In the long run you and your body will definately benefit. I agree with the advice that you should not focus on the scale and go by how your clothes fit, but i too also like to see those numbers on the scale go down.
Thanks everyone for all the words of encouragement. I think I'm ready to pick up those weights again. I see that I'm going to have to try different things and find out what will work in my case and maybe I'll have to give up some old habits too (my scale and I will have to part ways for a time, I guess ;) ).

Trprwife - can you tell me what videos you suggest that use light weights and high reps?

Thanks again,

I don't follow a tape. I just have a routine I made up myself. I am trying to get my hands on Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength tape (on eBay) and I would like to get her new upper and lower body pyramid tapes. What I plan on doing when I get them is do the routine as it is on the tape, just step my weights down substantially. Have you ever used a stability ball? They are also great for toning as is pilates. I use the stability ball some in my weight workouts as is awesome for the abs and back.


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