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Anybody suffered with infertility? I have been going though treatment since Feb. I have been taking letrozole to make me ovulate. I went for an ultrasound today and still no mature eggs. It has been pretty hard to deal with. I'll trying to keep a smile on my face and not to loss hope. I know the Lord's in control!!!!
First of all..........DO NOT LOSE HOPE!!!!!

Remember you are not alone with infertility. There are sooooo many people that are facing the same challenge. And it is a very tough, emotional challenge. In the 9 years we were trying it was amazing the advances that were made in treating infertility. Are you seeing a fertility specialist? If not, I would highly recommend seeing one. I worked with my OB/GYN for 5 years and think we would have had quicker results with the specialist.

I can say I know exactly how you feel, it is heart-wrenching. :-( But please don't lose faith and talk to anyone and everyone about it. There is alot of comfort in sharing your feelings and thoughts with others facing the same thing.

I agree with NOT give up hope!!!!!!! And, contact a good fertility clinic. And, keep looking for a good doctor until you feel absolutely comfortable and confident in their abilities and commitment. Make sure that you and your husband/partner are both tested...ours happened to be a male infertility issue. Do not rule anything out yet.

I went through multiple miscarriages and infertility and now, with the help from the best doctors and nurses around...I am pregnant with twins! It is possible although right now you probably think there is no hope in sight...but, do not give up!! We went through every test imaginable, got our hopes up every two weeks for a few years, went through difficult treatments...but in the end, it is all worth it!

I wish you much luck and hugs. Hang in there and take care of yourself. Things do work out for the best and do not give up hope.

Thank you so much for lifting my spirits!

Yes, I'm seeing a RE. He is the best in Louisville. We both have been tested. My hubby's serm is great. The priblem is that I don't ovulate. First they tried estrace and provera, thinking that if I have a normal cycle I would start to ovulate. Not so much luck! I then took Letrozole 2.5mg. No luck. After that I took Letrozole 5mg. I went for an ultrasound on day 12 and they found one egg that was 13mm! I was very excited. I went back on day 16 and they could only find eggs that were 11mm. Very depressing. So I go back on day 21 (Friday) to see if my eggs have mutured any. If not, we are going to do superovulation, which is shots, and IUI. I'm hopeing and praying this will do the trick! Thanks again for all ya'll kind and careing words!

P.S Congrats on your twins! When are you do?
Hi!! Do they know why you were not ovulating. I amnot either, fertility specialist feels I do not have enough estrogen. Let me know trying to get all the info i can before I do any drastic measures. Best of luck.
Hey! I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems. Man it's hard! But anywhoo, they first said that I have PCOS. But I really don't think so, but what do I know! All my bloodwork is normal. I don't have weight gain, oily skin, my face does not breakout, hair on my upper lip or back or belly. The only thing that I do have is irregular periods and infertility. My problems seem to be that my eggs are not muture. I will be starting my 3rd round of Letrozole in August. I talked to the nurse today and she said that my eggs are looking better so they might up my dose of drugs. I go back next Monday.

What drugs if any, that you been taking? Keep me posted!
I am not taking any fertility drugs, I am taking zoloft for some obsessive complusiveness I have, I am type A personality, kind of high strung much of the time. What tests did you have done, I have only had prolactin, FSH tests, I do not think I have had any others. What made them say you had PCOS? I am so curious, I just want to be normal and have a healthy pregnancy. I keep saying it is in the lord's hands, but that get hard at times. Take care and best of luck to you and your eggs!! Kim
Hi -
I too had issues with fertility (hate the word infertility - it is so final!) after 3 years (plus one miscarriage) we are pregnant with #1. I learned a TON from the forum and definitely check out Toni Weschler's book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. You might see if your area has a support group - look into RESOLVE if you are interested.

You might look into acupuncture for fertility too. I did this and I'm not sure whether it helped with getting pregnant or not but I found it soothing and helped ease my nerves/stress level. Trying to get pregnant with the cards stacked against you is extremely stressful....

There is hope and help. Good luck to you sweetie!
well, fist of all congrats to you, I hope al is going well for you. I feel like everywhere I go there are tons of kids and pregnant women around. Wish it wer me. Did you find out why you had problems? My husband and I have not been having intercourse as often due to me not having a period for over a year. The fertility specialist stated I may not have enough body fat to have enough estrogen to ovulate to stimulate a period. I have been trying to gain a few pounds but it is not as easy. You want to be healthy but want to get pregnant. Quite frustrating at timesx(. Well, I will check out the website and I am going to buy the book, have talked with lots of other folks who told me the same book. Thanks for your encouragement and support, It is so great to talk with other women. any other info would be well welcomed. thanks!! Kim

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