Index of Cathe's rotations


Is there a place where all Cathe's rotations are listed? I've noticed you can link to old rotations, but I'd like to look through her previous rotations since I'm fairly new to Cathe. If there isn't one, could someone create an index of her rotations? The YaYa board has this feature which is really helpful.

I don't know how to create an index for you, but what I did was went back through the rotations (doing a search) and Bookmarked all of Cathe's rotations. Maybe you could do that until someone who is better at computer stuff sees this and does that index!! Hope this helps,

It would be great if Cathe would create another forum for JUST her rotations and not allow people to start new threads there (but could reply to her posts).
When I want to look up Cathe's rotation, I go into the search facility, then into advanced search, type Cathe Friedrich into the key words, and click on the rotations forum.
Beth - I had no idea that was there (at YaYas) and it's AMAZING!! That would be even more wonderful here, but thank you for bringing that one to my attention.

I have to say that although yes, most of us can run a competent search, it would be REALLY nice to have Cathe's original rotations indexed, and maybe a section for other peoples' rotations (or mixed in but easy to tell the difference). I searched for an IS rotation, but it's been discussed so many times (because so many people have had trouble finding it) that I had to find the same one over and over and over to finally give up and realize that was probably the only one there is (wasn't quite what I was hoping for - was hoping to find somethng more like her BB rotation). I even started a thread asking for it and every single person sent me a link to the same one. Anyway, my point is that it could be easier and better organized, of course I don't know how much work that would take (while everybody's screaming for Hardcore to be finished).

I also wish there were rotations given as DVD inserts with each series (like Beachbody does in their booklets - not having a love affair with Beachbody, but I do like this one thing). I love the monthly rotations too, but for those of us who simply can't have every workout right now, it would be nice to be able to go through them and find something that uses what we do have.

Anyway, thanks again for pointing out the YaYa rotation index :).

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