Increasing Flexibility


New Member
I am not a naturally flexibile person and have been doing pilates and yoga videos on a regular basis, but have seemed to
have stalled in gains. What can a tight person do to really increase her flexibility?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-01 AT 01:22PM (Est)[/font][p]
every day stretching.
serious stretching after workout .
stretching just to the point of feeling it..
holding the stretch for 5 slow breaths in and out... release on the exhale... learn how to let muscles release during those exhales.

pilates wont give you big gains on flexibility in hips, hamstrings ... its really designed for "core strength" and spine flexibility.

yoga should help hips ...
Some live instruction will ensure you are using the form that would help you the most.

i take a very hot bath before yoga to soften muscles up.
and i try to do yoga in a very warm room...85-95 degrees for me.
People complain about heat but once you realize it is helping it isnt so annoying
.... Taking time and appreciating the stretching helps.

i am not making the same kind of flexibilty gains i easily made when i was much younger ... but i stay persistant and appreciate the gains i do make....
i used to do a split in about one minute of after months of it i still cant do it... (arrghhhh!)

you might consider trying deep tissue massage around the joints that arent letting go ... That makes a huge difference for me...I will walk out of a therapists office so much freer than after anything else.

Flexibilty is very important, not an after thought to other workouts so its worth some investment.
Your flexibity = your age

if you have injuries that are being aggrivated by your workouts or intense stretching you wont be able to make gains till they are healed ..
be gentle.

Do not work with big ambitions ... pay close attention while you stretch and respond to the muscles as they either give or bind up.... if you dont you will waste some your opportunity.

I tell you all this to remind myself to be gentle and pay attention too!
Hi! Cinza gave you some great advice. I just wanted to reiterate that Pilates & Yoga are strength-based forms of exercise. They increase flexibility over time but they require muscular strength to master the poses. You may want to look into athletic stretching in addition to yoga. Scott Cole is one trainer who comes to mind who specializes in stretching for athletes. Athletic stretching has really improved my running because my hip flexors & hamstrings are much more flexible, so I'm able to increase my miles each week

Good luck!

Hi, Marnie,

I find taking a warm bath and stretching before bedtime greatly improves my flexibility. I go through each large muscle group and breath slowly and just relax and stretch gently. I haven't done this in a while but with cooler weather coming on, it becomes a regular thing and I love it. I use a wave tape or a meditative tape and it helps me sleep too!


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