Incorporated Circuit Max into Rotation?


I noticed that someone wrote on another thread about ideas for incorporating CM into a rotation. I just ordered CM and I'm dying to try it but I'm a little unsure of where it would fit in my rotation. Do you use as a cardio tape or strength or both? Could I do in the same week with PS?
This is a very versatile tape. If you are up to it and do it exactly the way the tape is it would be considered a weight and aerobic day! You have to use light weights so it would be light weight day. I consider this my most challenging tape and don't do the weight segments - just the aerobics - I do the lower body movements and the upper body movements without the weights. So, in my case - I use it as an interval aerobic workout.

Preview the tape and then decide how you want to use it based on your fitness needs and level.
I typically use it as a cardio tape. I hardly ever go above 5 pounds.

I usually skip the chest, back, and planks at the end. Then, after my regular back workout, I may throw the tape back in for "an added bonus" as Cathe would say. After that, it is ready for chest day.

Also, depending on how the body part feels, I may go lighter on the weights, especially with shoulders. For example, if I did weights for shoulders yesterday, I will only use 1-3 pounds for shoulders today in Circuit Max. If I am going to work biceps after my cardio, I think of the bicep work as pre-fatigue.

If I have been negligent on a leg workout, I might skip the upper body and go heavier on the legs.

This is the most versatile, easy to modify tape. I just love it. One of my most favorite Cathes.

I use this as a cardio, but feel the strength moves are an added bonus. It's really a solid workout. I think you can definately do PS (or other tape) in addition to this since you're probably not using really heavy weights. Just make sure to keep a day in between your strength workouts since the Circuit Max moves are doing SOMETHING to your muscles!

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