"Incompatible Disc"


I have read quite a few comments regarding freezing issues but I tried to play the new DVDs in my RCA player and it won't even read them and says the discs are incompatible. All of the Hardcore discs play just fine on this player so I was wondering if the new discs were made differently? I am "technologically challenged" if you will, so I know **nothing** about how you make a dvd.

The discs play fine on my cheapo DVD player upstairs, however, it is newer than the RCA.

Can someone enlighten me?

On another note, I am thrilled by the new workouts! They look very challenging and fun to do! Way to go Cathe!!


DVD players will quite often read the code differently on a DVD. In your case what causes some players to have freeze problem causes your RCA player not to be able to play the disc at all.The replacement DVDs will solve your problem.

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