Inaugural post


New Member
Hello all ... I have been lurking and reading for awhile and wanting to post but a little shy about doing it! I rec'd my 8-pack today and finished Leaner Legs a few minutes ago. (Ow, ow, ow). Until recently, I have been using mostly FIRM tapes but Cathe's tapes have pushed me right off the plateau I had been on for months. I am so impressed with how thorough her cuing and instruction is; and amazed at my progress - without injury! I am trading bodyfat for muscle and for the first time I am unconcerned about what the scale says. I can't wait to try the other tapes! Here's to a long and happy fitness relationship! I feel so good it should be illegal! It is great to be at a site where everyone is so supportive and friendly.
Hi Donna!

Glad to have you here! Congratulations on your success with Fitness! That is so good to hear. We are happy you decided to post. I'm sure you have some tips that you can share with us all. You will find this place encouraging & very supportive. You are right about Cathe. She is very good with cuing not to mention the Fun-Factor!! WELCOME!!

Hi Donna!!

It's great to have you post! You said you got the 8-pak? Have you done CM? There's one part on there where I burst out laughing
! She said something like "Stop staring at me!" And I lost my balance and couldn't stop laughing. Have you done it yet? It's awesome!
Hi Donna

Thanks for posting. I did not order the eight pack, but I know that you will love it as all of Cathe's tapes are wonderful. Just be prepared-- you will be buying more. I started the year with none of her tapes. Now I have 14! This from someone who had about five videos for years.
Hey KA !

Thanks for your nice message. I just love this forum; everyone is on the same brainwave I am! (this is where my husband would say, "heh, heh, poor them" :) I had to go count all my videos (including my FIRMS, Cathes, & two CIAs)and I couldn't believe that I have 47 tapes! Yikes! I find myself heading to my Cathe tape pile now on a regular basis. I am determined to get through those flying jacks at the end of Interval Max! I, too, had very few tapes until about 6 months ago when I found Collage and Cathe!
Donna & KA - I can relate!

I can name the exact date when my video collection began its meteoric rise from 5 to 42 - it was November 6, 1999 (I keep a fitness log) when I happened across the Collage video website and discovered Cathe (have you read the Video Forum section dedicated to those who have more than 100 videos? At first that seemed insane to me - but as along as Cathe (and Christi Taylor) keep making videos, I'll keep buying).

Also, to Donna - I hope this comes across okay
, but when I saw your posting name "itsjustme" it gave me a little jolt. When my mother would call and get my answering machine, she would begin her message with, "...well, it's just me..." When I called her back I would tell her that she should say something like "...hey, it's YOUR lucky day, IT"S MEEEEEE!" I lost her a couple of years ago to cancer and one of the memories that remains so strongly with me is that little routine we would have of "its just me", ", it should be it's MEEE!" Thanks for the memory!

This is a a great group of people and as such is a compliment to Cathe's (and SNM's) appeal and talent that a group this diverse, talented, and caring would gravitate here.

PS: There are many who post here who are worthy of the flying jacks - I'm working really, really hard to be one of them. Actually, I can do the flying jacks kind of okay if I don't have to do the jumping knees thing that comes right after. But it is a worthy goal.


Janet (who tries not to post too often because I just can't seem to keep it short)

I just posted to you on another forum here commenting on how your name reminded me of my Mom. Her name was also Janet. Isn't it funny how many little things stay with us about our parents? It's special to have those little memories. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Debbie!

I enjoyed reading your bio as well. And, I saw that you are supportive of the "Over 35" forum (if Cathe goes for the idea we need to find a GOOD name). We're in a time of our lives when our Mom's advice would be really helpful (is there ever a time when it wouldn't be
?). I do appreciate your kind words. It's amazing how a simple "I know how you feel" can be a gentle reminder that other people are dealing with similar situations.


Janet ...

I so appreciated your post. I lost my Dad a few years ago; he was a quiet guy but very witty and had some little pet expressions that I cherish. Every now and then I hear them from someone else and I get a start just as you did. I'm so sorry for your loss but we both obviously have some beautiful things to remember from them. I picked my "screen name" because my daughter and husband tease me mercilessly about leaving messages on our machine at home that begin, "hey, its just me..." Anyways, I am touched by the warm welcome I have rec'd here and inspired by the dedication to wellness and fitness that you all post. I feel quite at home! :) Donna.

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