>K,P,C was the first Cathe workout I ever did. Now, I have
>acquired most of her DVD (a little over a year working with
>her). I LOVE her kickboxing workouts when they are combined
>into a mish-mosh cardio workout. This is one of the very
>first creations I made before I even new of these forums where
>you can grab ideas! This is still one of my favorites and I
>always seem to come back to it no matter how many other Cathe
>cardio DVDs I get! Here is the breakdown:
>1. K,P,C intermediate + high intensity cardio drills
>2. KM blast challenge
>3. (original) Boot Camp cardio only premix 2x through
>4. K,P,C kicking and punching combos
>note: since then, I have added in right behind the boot camp
>cardio Imax 2 blasts only
>(I use the mix & match selection to choose the blasts I want
>to put in --- blasts 10, 9, 1, 7,3, 8, 9, 8, 3, 7, 1, 9, 10 in
>that order)
>This workout is challenging, yet so fun...afterwards I feel so
>Kristen }(
How much time does this workout take....close to two hours?