In the need of motivation.. HELP!


hi everyone!
I have a huge favor to ask.. I have really been in a rut lately. I've gained a few pounds and am having a really hard time getting it off. I'm in need of motivation big time! One to my favor.. if anyone has the time.. could someone maybe make me a good rotation using the dvds I have? I feel like I don't know what exactly to do each day for my goals. I am 5'7 and weigh about 165 lbs. I have a large frame with broad shoulders and am pretty muscular. My problem area is definitely my thighs (although they are muscular they are covered with a layer of fat :p). I workout 5-6 days a week and am not seeing much of a change. i think a new rotation would really help. I'm looking to lose about 15 lbs. while maintaining the nice lean muscle I still have. Could someone please help me? I would be so appreciative..
The dvds I have are:
* Body Max 2
* Butts & Guts
* Cardio Fusion
* Drill Max
* Hardcore Series: Hardcore Extreme Interval Circuit
* Hardcore Series: Hardcore Extreme Hi/Lo Intervals
* Hardcore Series: Hardcore Extreme Interval Blast +
* Hardcore Series: High Step Challenge
* Hardcore Series: Imax 3
* Hardcore Series: Kick Max
* Hardcore Series: Low Max
* Body Blast Series: Kick, Punch & Crunch
* Body Blast Series: Legs & Glutes
* High Step Training
* Intensity Series: Boot Camp
* Intensity Series:Muscle Endurance
* Terminator: The Viper
* Terminator: The Gauntlet
* Terminator: Imax Xtreme
* Maximum Intensity Cardio
* Body Max
* Maximum Intensity Strength
* Power Hour
* Rhythmic step
* Interval Max

Thank you so much!
I'm new to the forum, but have been using Cathe's DVDs for years. For what it's worth, I just compiled my first rotation to try and am still on Week 1 so I can't comment on the results yet. I have a similar body type, so I'm trying to increase the amount of cardio I do. My upper body is fairly lean, so I can get away with doing less heavy weight work. Here's what I came up as a rotation. It follows the same pattern each week: 1) boot camp, 2) kickboxing, 3) legs, 4) cardio, 5) circuit, 6) cardio/lower body. With the videos you have listed and their premixes, you might be able to follow something pretty close.

Week 1
Day 1: IS Boot Camp (60 min.)
Day 2: Kick Max (75 min.)
Day 3: B&G Overall Legs (65 min.)
Day 4: Imax 3 (60 min.)
Day 5: Low Impact Circuit (75 min.)
Day 6: Treadmill (30 min.) + Pyramid Lower Body floor work
Day 7: Rest

Week 2
Day 1: BM2 Boot Camp (78 min.)
Day 2: Cardio Kicks (60 min.)
Day 3: Gym Style Legs (67 min.)
Day 4: SJP & SB, Step and Hi/Lo Cardio Circuit (60 min.)
Day 5: Drill Max (72 min.)
Day 6: Treadmill (30 min.) + Gym Style Legs floor work
Day 7: Rest

Week 3
Day 1: 4DS Boot Camp (62 min.)
Day 2: Kick, Punch & Crunch (68 min.)
Day 3: Legs & Glutes (51 min.)
Day 4: BM2 Cardio Blast (62 min.)
Day 5: Cardio & Weights (60 min.)
Day 6: Treadmill (30 min.) + Butts & Guts floor work
Day 7: Rest

Week 4
Day 1: High Step Challenge (68 min.)
Day 2: 4DS Cardio Power (53 min.)
Day 3: Pyramid Lower Body (50 min.)
Day 4: Cardio Fusion (71 min.)
Day 5: Circuit Max (60 min.)
Day 6: Treadmill (30 min.) + Legs & Glutes floor work
Day 7: Rest

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