In Pretty Good Shape for a 42 year old Mother of Six


Just felt like I had to pat myself on the back today. I have working out with Cathe for a little over a year and I feel terrific. This morning I asked my daughter, who is 19, how much she weighs on the scale at the fitness center at the Air Force base. I workout there on Saturdays so I use the same scale in the Womens Locker room. She said 128 pounds. Well, I weigh in at 130 pounds. Only 2 pounds more than she does. We are the same height--5'5". But I am 23 years older and have had 6 children over the last 19 years.
So I feel pretty good right now. I told her I want to see how much she weighs at 42 and after she has children.
Thank you Cathe!!!
It is not just the weight, but how I feel. I have so much energy and I love to workout.
Well, enough bragging. Just wanted to share. Age doesn't mean a thing, unless you let it.
RE: In Pretty Good Shape for a 42 year old Mother of Si...

Hey heather...I'm a mother of six now too!!!!! Congratulations, sounds like your doing great and feeling great and you're always welcome to brag here!! I get irritated when I hear moms saying "well you know I've had two kids now and the ol' bodies never going to be the same". With that attitude....they are right!

On the other hand...I can't wait until I grow up to be like 41 so I can have a bicep vein like Aquajock. (I'm currently 38 and bicepveinless, but I WILL have one by the time I'm 41....Lord willing of course). I think all you women in your 40's and 50's and beyond and pumping iron are my heros and the best is yet to come.

Keep on pumping those weights Heather...well into your 90's!!!

Good for you Heather! You brag all you want! You're right, age doesn't mean diddly squat! It's all in how you take care of yourself and your outlook on life. :) :)

First of all, congratulations to you for being in such good shape!

BUT, I have this funny feeling about your post which is why I came out of my recent lurking status.

Comparing ourselves to our daughters is a very dangerous business.
I am not saying we should not be competetive or always aim for something higher. (I am a veteran marathon runner and very competitive by nature.) Only think of this from a daughter's point of view:

I also have a mother -- 75 for crying out loud -- who was diagnosed a long time ago with a very bad case of NPD (Narcisstic Personality Disorder). She is obsessed with comparing herself to me -- weight, clothing size, you name it. It's very hard to put up with. Thank God she lives on the other side of the ocean, otherwise I don't know what to do.

I also have a daughter. She is 13 and I make it a very strong point to never compare our bodies and to never discuss our weights -- who is leaner, who wears smaller clothes, etc. Instead, we have a strong emphasis on strength (she is a black belt), our fitness goals, and so on. Weight means nothing anyway, it is our body composition that counts.

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not attacking you, but I just had to chime in as this subject struck me in a very personal way. :)
Thanks for the comments Briee. But I think you have me confused with someone else. I have never lived in Wisconsin. But thanks again for the comments.
I will be 50 years old in October and I wear a size 2 to 4 petite. I have a 21 year old daughter and a husband who is 15 years my junior!

It isn't age -- it's attitude!

I can still go the distance with Cathe's videos and my measurements are less now than when I was in high school -- most people guess my age at around 30 to 32!

Yeah! We go, don't we?
Hello Macska,
Glad you came out of hiding. This forum is awesome. I understand perfectly what you are saying. My daughter and I have a great relationship and our conversation this morning was more joking around than anything else. She gave me a very nice compliment also. I tried the Atkins diet yesterday--but after about 8 hours I was sick of meat and eggs, felt crappy, and I began to obsess about food. I have a friend who has lost 30 pounds on it and I just wanted to see what it was about.
When I told my daughter about trying the diet she said I didn't need to lose any weight and that I looked good the way I was. As for the Atkins diet, if anyone can eat that way and lose weight and keep it off--more power to them. It is not for me. And yes, I know the induction phase is for only 2 weeks and then you add more carbs. But I have never really liked meat and eggs that much and I am not going to go there now. But we are all different. Honestly I have to say that I can't do a 'diet'--any diet. I did too many in my younger days. Even went a week without any food. If I go on a diet I start focusing on food instead of on living life and just eating in moderation.
And yes I know that weight doesn't mean a thing. She is shaped differently than me and looks great the way she is. We just like to kid around sometimes.
I have been working out with Cathe for a year now and my daughter has begun working out at the base fitness center this year. I think she sees how my health and stamina have improved and she wants to be more healthy. I have told her that she looks great but that she needs to be more fit--aerobically and strenghtwise. I always tell her I care more about how I feel--healthy,strong,fit--than about my weight. I usually don't even weigh myself. If my clothes fit I am happy.
My daughter knows she is a very smart, beautiful woman with many talents.
Thanks again for you concern. Have fun on the forum. You will have a blast.
RE: In Pretty Good Shape for a 42 year old Mother of Si...

Heather, thank you so much for not misunderstanding me and taking things on the wrong way! :)

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