I'm sure you've all be here before! Lately I've been just doing whatever strikes my fancy. I had been doing the Intensity Series frequently and now I've been mostly doing Body Blast dvds since I received them. While I've enjoyed them, I feel like I'm in a rut and I'm craving a "real" rotation!! I can only workout 5 times a week, I'm a "pear" with a bum knee so it's frustrating to try to work lower body without causing my knee to hurt. I also feel that with only 5 days to workout a week I don't know what to focus on! I've looked thru the rotations here and various other places, but nothing's grabbing me and/or they seem too hard on my knee or too long (I only have an hour to workout).
Does anyone have any rotation they're doing now they'd like to share to give me some direction????
Thanks to anyone who responds!
Does anyone have any rotation they're doing now they'd like to share to give me some direction????
Thanks to anyone who responds!