In A Rut...


I'm sure you've all be here before! Lately I've been just doing whatever strikes my fancy. I had been doing the Intensity Series frequently and now I've been mostly doing Body Blast dvds since I received them. While I've enjoyed them, I feel like I'm in a rut and I'm craving a "real" rotation!! I can only workout 5 times a week, I'm a "pear" with a bum knee so it's frustrating to try to work lower body without causing my knee to hurt. I also feel that with only 5 days to workout a week I don't know what to focus on! I've looked thru the rotations here and various other places, but nothing's grabbing me and/or they seem too hard on my knee or too long (I only have an hour to workout).

Does anyone have any rotation they're doing now they'd like to share to give me some direction????

Thanks to anyone who responds!

:) Stacy
HI Stacy, I just started a new rotation this week. I'm 41 and I need to focus on building some muscle that I've lost over the last couple of years. Below is what I'm doing.

I'm doing this rotation for 3-4 weeks
Sunday - Cardio
Monday - Slow & Heavy Back and Chest
Tuesday - Slow & Heavy Biceps and Triceps plus 30 min cardio
Wednesday - Slow & Heavy Legs and Shoulders
Thursday - Cardio
Friday - Power Hour

I'm then going to do this rotation for about 6 weeks or more, depending on how I feel.
Sunday - Cardio
Monday - Pyramid Upper Body
Tuesday - Cardio
Wednesday - Pyramid Lower Body
Thursday - Cardio
Friday - Muscle Endurance

I'm hoping to build muscle with the first rotation and then I hope to define those muscles with the second rotation.
Hi Stacy,
You sound alot like myself.Minus the bad knee.I always did whatever I felt like doing and I wanted to see results but I wasn't doing the workouts for it.I have gotten into rotations in the last couple of monthes and its been going good.I never did like rotations that told me exactly what workout I had to do that day,but I like rotations that tell you if it is upper/lower/or cardio,then I just go from there.
I came up with my own rotation,I am not sure if you are interested:
Mon-Upper body and Cardio
Wed-Lower Body and cardio
Fri-Circuit workout
Sat-Full body workout and cardio
I am doing this rotation Week 1 and 3 .You could probably skip the cardio days on MOn and Wed,if you don't have time for both.And Sat may be a little to much for you as well
Week 2&4
Mon-Cardio and chest
Tues-Cardio and back
Thurs-Cardio and bic
Fri-cardio and tri
Sat-cardio and shoulders.
I am taking one section from CTX or the PS series and doing one body part.On a day where I have more time I may work lower body again.
I am also trying to run,step,intervals,and kickboxing as my cardios.Could be long or short.Whatever suits your scheldule.
Either way,here is what I am doing, hopefully it works for ya.If not,I hope you find something soon,

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