
Hi and nice to hear from you! I start teaching again on Wednesday so I'll see you in Friday afternoon's Body Pump! Take Care:)
RE: No fair!!

I fair.I love cathe.I would rather go to one of her aerobics class and see her in person then say...seeing the rolling stones in concert.
What is Body Pump anyway?Gonna do a tape like that?
RE: No fair!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-02 AT 03:44PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Lorihart! You're too kind! The tape that I have that I feel would compliment Body Pump is called Power Hour.
RE: No fair!!

I already have power hour and enjoy it very much.Although my legs aren't usually thanking me for it the next day.
No,Thank you cathe for doing such great workouts.I own pretty much all of them now and there isn't one that I don't like.Although I am not to fussy about interval max but I think that is you thinking about making a yoga or pilates tape? And how are your children?
Take care,
I am totally with you LoriHart! I found Cathe's videos only about 6 mos ago after being burnt out by years in the club scene as both a member and manager. While I have acquired enough equipment to strength train at home, I missed the high intensity, motivating classes that a club offers. Cathe is just so incredible I feel like I now have the best of all worlds at home. I,too, cannot believe that Cathe still teaches to the general public. But then again, the fact that she takes time to answer e-mail forums speaks volumes!

Thanks Cathe!
Sorry I had to leave early last Friday, but you know I only do BP once a week anyway. Do you think I'm spending my time wisely doing BP once a week for a guy like me? I lift and do cardio the other three times a week. I also like to ride my bike when I can't make it to the gym.

Hi, Steve!

I live in Akron, Ohio. I do intend to get to Cathe's place some day. My hubby drove me to Cathe's studio last year as a surprise on our way home from Cape May, but to my disappointment, I found out Cathe was on vacation! :-( I did get to meet Chris though! I am hoping there will be a roadtrip planned later this year and I'll have the opportunity to come again. Thanks for responding, have fun at BodyPump & keep on DANCIN'!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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