Imax2 question


Regarding the Imax2 premixes, what is the difference between "Blast Only" and "Blastmania?" I skimmed through them and didn't really see the difference.

Do any of you use either of these premixes?

Marla G.
Blast Mania is formulated to be a complete workout, including warmup and cooldown. They also include the first step section of interval 1, I presume as an extended warmup and lead-in to the first blast.

Blast Only starts at the blast of interval one, recovery, blast, recovery, etc. And does not include either a warmup or cooldown.

I haven't done either one. Just doing the workout as is, is killer enough for me!

Marla G here you have the chaptring of IMAX 2.

DVD Chaptering: Cathe Friedrich, Interval Max 2 and Cardio & Weights

Both of these workouts have chapter lists in the Main Menu, but the chapters listed are really combinations of chapters, so I've listed them as options.

Introductory Music
1.1 Music 0:39

Interval Max 2

Interval Max 2 57:58
2.1 Music 0:51
2.2 Introduction 1:53
2.3 Warmup 6:53
2.4 Interval 1, step routine 1:42
2.5 Interval 1, blast 1:46
2.6 Interval 1, recovery 0:45
2.7 Interval 2, step routine 1:33
2.8 Interval 2, blast 1:26
2.9 Interval 2, recovery 0:54
2.10 Interval 3, step routine 1:28
2.11 Interval 3, blast 3:09
2.12 Interval 3, recovery 0:55
2.13 Interval 4, step routine 1:29
2.14 Interval 4, blast 1:25
2.15 Interval 4, recovery 0:41
2.16 Interval 5, step routine 1:29
2.17 Interval 5, blast 1:28
2.18 Interval 5, recovery 0:43
2.19 Rate of Perceived Exertion Check 0:35
2.20 Interval 6, step routine 1:30
2.21 Interval 6, blast 1:42
2.22 Interval 6, recovery 0:41
2.23 Interval 7, step routine 1:30
2.24 Interval 7, blast 1:27
2.25 Interval 7, recovery 0:56
2.26 Interval 8, step routine 1:27
2.27 Interval 8, blast 1:50
2.28 Interval 8, recovery 0:54
2.29 Interval 9, step routine 1:29
2.30 Interval 9, blast 1:28
2.31 Interval 9, recovery 0:46
2.32 Interval 10, step routine 1:27
2.33 Interval 10, blast 2:08
2.34 Interval 10, recovery and cooldown 1:53
2.35 Stretch (and credits) 5:29

Warmup: Chapter 2.3
Interval 1: Chapters 2.4-2.6
Interval 2: Chapters 2.7-2.9
Interval 3: Chapters 2.10-2.12
Interval 4: Chapters 2.13-2.15
Interval 5: Chapters 2.16-2.18
Interval 6: Chapters 2.20-2.22
Interval 7: Chapters 2.23-2.25
Interval 8: Chapters 2.26-2.28
Interval 9: Chapters 2.29-2.31
Interval 10: Chapters 2.32-2.34
Stretch: Chapter 2.35

Mix & Match
3.1 Warmup 6:53
3.2 Interval 1, step routine 1:42
3.3 Interval 1, blast 1:46
3.4 Interval 1, recovery 0:45
3.5 Interval 2, step routine 1:33
3.6 Interval 2, blast 1:26
3.7 Interval 2, recovery 0:54
3.8 Interval 3, step routine 1:28
3.9 Interval 3, blast 3:09
3.10 Interval 3, recovery 0:55
3.11 Interval 4, step routine 1:29
3.12 Interval 4, blast 1:25
3.13 Interval 4, recovery 0:41
3.14 Interval 5, step routine 1:29
3.15 Interval 5, blast 1:28
3.16 Interval 5, recovery 0:43
3.17 Interval 6, step routine 1:30
3.18 Interval 6, blast 1:42
3.19 Interval 6, recovery 0:41
3.20 Interval 7, step routine 1:30
3.21 Interval 7, blast 1:27
3.22 Interval 7, recovery 0:56
3.23 Interval 8, step routine 1:27
3.24 Interval 8, blast 1:50
3.25 Interval 8, recovery 0:54
3.26 Interval 9, step routine 1:29
3.27 Interval 9, blast 1:28
3.28 Interval 9, recovery 0:46
3.29 Interval 10, step routine 1:27
3.30 Interval 10, blast 2:08
3.31 Interval 10, recovery and cooldown 1:53
3.32 Stretch (and credits) 5:29


Interval 1-5 PreMix 33:28
4.1 Warmup 6:53
4.2 Interval 1, step routine 1:42
4.3 Interval 1, blast 1:46
4.4 Interval 1, recovery 0:45
4.5 Interval 2, step routine 1:33
4.6 Interval 2, blast 1:26
4.7 Interval 2, recovery 0:54
4.8 Interval 3, step routine 1:28
4.9 Interval 3, blast 3:09
4.10 Interval 3, recovery 0:55
4.11 Interval 4, step routine 1:29
4.12 Interval 4, blast 1:25
4.13 Interval 4, recovery 0:41
4.14 Interval 5, step routine 1:29
4.15 Interval 5, blast 1:28
4.16 Interval 5, recovery 0:43
4.17 Stretch & Credits 5:29

Interval 6-10 PreMix 33.34
5.1 Warmup 6:53
5.2 Interval # 6 screen 0:03
5.3 Interval 6, step routine 1:30
5.4 Interval 6, blast 1:42
5.5 Interval 6, recovery 0:41
5.6 Interval 7, step routine 1:30
5.7 Interval 7, blast 1:27
5.8 Interval 7, recovery 0:56
5.9 Interval 8, step routine 1:27
5.10 Interval 8, blast 1:50
5.11 Interval 8, recovery 0:54
5.12 Interval 9, step routine 1:29
5.13 Interval 9, blast 1:28
5.14 Interval 9, recovery 0:46
5.15 Interval 10, step routine 1:27
5.16 Interval 10, blast 2:08
5.17 Interval 10, recovery and cooldown 1:53
5.18 Stretch (and credits) 5:29

Blast Only PreMix 27:33
7.1 Interval 1, blast 1:46
7.2 Interval 1, recovery 0:45
7.3 Blast #2 screen 0:03
7.4 Interval 2, blast 1:26
7.5 Interval 2, recovery 0:54
7.6 Blast #3 screen 0:03
7.7 Interval 3, blast 3:09
7.8 Interval 3, recovery 0:55
7.9 Blast #4 screen 0:03
7.10 Interval 4, blast 1:25
7.11 Interval 4, recovery 0:41
7.12 Blast #5 screen 0:03
7.13 Interval 5, blast 1:28
7.14 Interval 5, recovery 0:43
7.15 Blast #6 screen 0:03
7.16 Interval 6, blast 1:42
7.17 Interval 6, recovery 0:41
7.18 Blast #7 screen 0:03
7.19 Interval 7, blast 1:27
7.20 Interval 7, recovery 0:56
7.21 Blast #8 screen 0:03
7.22 Interval 8, blast 1:50
7.23 Interval 8, recovery 0:54
7.24 Blast #9 screen 0:03
7.25 Interval 9, blast 1:28
7.26 Interval 9, recovery 0:46
7.27 Blast #10 screen 0:03
7.28 Interval 10, blast 2:08
7.29 Interval 10, recovery and cooldown 1:53

BlastMania PreMix 41:41
6.1 Warmup 6:53
6.2 Interval 1, step routine 1:42
6.3 Interval 1, blast 1:46
6.4 Interval 1, recovery 0:45
6.5 Blast #2 screen 0:03
6.6 Interval 2, blast 1:26
6.7 Interval 2, recovery 0:54
6.8 Blast #3 screen 0:03
6.9 Interval 3, blast 3:09
6.10 Interval 3, recovery 0:55
6.11 Blast #4 screen 0:03
6.12 Interval 4, blast 1:25
6.13 Interval 4, recovery 0:41
6.14 Blast #5 screen 0:03
6.15 Interval 5, blast 1:28
6.16 Interval 5, recovery 0:43
6.17 Blast #6 screen 0:03
6.18 Interval 6, blast 1:42
6.19 Interval 6, recovery 0:41
6.20 Blast #7 screen 0:03
6.21 Interval 7, blast 1:27
6.22 Interval 7, recovery 0:56
6.23 Blast #8 screen 0:03
6.24 Interval 8, blast 1:50
6.25 Interval 8, recovery 0:54
6.26 Blast #9 screen 0:03
6.27 Interval 9, blast 1:28
6.28 Interval 9, recovery 0:46
6.29 Blast #10 screen 0:03
6.30 Interval 10, blast 2:08
6.31 Interval 10, recovery and cooldown 1:53
6.32 Stretch (and credits) 5:29

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I use Blastmania as a short intense interval workout, where the blast only is an add-on. It's great if you have a programmable DVD player, it's the sort of thing Annette Aquajock puts together in her mishmoshes.
Okay -- so it looks like the only real difference is that Blast Only doesn't include a warmup or step routine (so it can be used as an add-on), and Blastmania is a complete workout with warmup, step 1, blasts, and cooldown.

Thanks for your help!

Marla G.
Mariangeles! Thanks for posting this!! I was looking for this exact sort of thing a while ago. I'm printing it off to keep in my workout notes, for future reference, and creative programming!

Yes, I find the BlastMania very useful for an ultra-intense 30 minute workout. Great for those days when you just don't have time. As well, as your aerobic capacity improves from doing the full IMAX2, you need to shorten the rest/recovery periods in order to challenge your aerobic capacity further. This workout allows you to do that; it takes your aerobic capacity to the next level.


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