Okay...I have Cardio & Weights step down perfectly...which was a major accomplishment for me considering I've always thought of myself as a step klutz! I started out with Mega Step Blast and then C & W...and it didn't take me long at all to get it down! So pleased with myself...but...I've been attempting IMAX2 now...and it sure seems like it's gonna be harder to get some of these step patterns down! Not to mention the fact that I've preordered the whole Body Blast DVD collection...so I just wonder how I'll manage with Step Blast or even Step, Jump, and Pump! I seem to have the hardest time with the third, fourth, and fifth step patterns in IMAX2...will I get it eventually? LOL I sure WANT to and I just love the music in it! Also...for those of you who know...is Step, Jump, and Pump similar choreography-wise to Cardio & Weights? I hope I've at least got a chance of getting that one down fairly easily! Thanks!