
I'd like to know if anyone who has Interval Max (the original) for several years and has done it many, many times still cannot get through it without modifications? I can do IMAX2 with no problems (on a 4 inch step) or breaks, but IMAX slays me! I find it incredibly tough, and even though I've done it so many times, I still can't get through the entire tape without those mods.

Have those of you who have mastered this one just keep at it, as in incorporating it into your regime at least 1-2 times weekly, then it finally will come to you? I would love to be able to complete this tape as is, even though I know I won't be looking like Cathe does when doing the flying jacks, or doing the power scissors exactly as she does either (this one is absolutely killer), it will be good enough to know that I did do it. :)


I'm always mystified by the majority on this - that IMAX2 is so much easier than IMAX1. For some reason, I find it is the opposite! :p

I will say that I did IMAX 1 weekly for several years so I of course master the moves and sometimes I wonder if I didn't get just a little too used to it. I notice now when I do it once in a four week rotation, it seems more difficult - although the intensity series have whipped me in to shape so not that much more difficult :) .

I just find interval 5 and 9 on IMAX2 really aerobically difficult.

So I would recommend sticking to it. You will get it -

Do you do IMAX1 on a 4 inch step? That might help even though Cathe uses an 8. You may be able to get through it and then build up to 8 inches.

Good luck,


Intervals 5 and 9 kill me too. 5 is the airborne jack one right, and 9 is the plie squat one, right? legs just lock for those!!! Usually I have to bring the step down to 4" right before interval 5! The tuck jump one is pretty taxing too. It "catches up to you" like Cathe says.

I wish I could "blend" Imax 1 and 2. I think the only intervals on 1 that are really hard are the tuck jump one and the scissors one (of course!) and the plyo squat one. I gotta do the double-clap thing for that STILL. If I could mix the hardest intervals of one with the hardest intervals of two, that would be great!!!

I LOVE Imax 2 though. Currently my FAV. The music just rocks and I LOVE the genie hop interval! It is funny for me though, when the music starts to change in each interval I actually start to get scared!! There is the really scary music in one of the tough intervals that frightens me for what is to come!!LOL!!!

You can try IMAX 1 on 4 inches, although I don't think it will help much. So much of IMAX 1 is on the floor. You just gotta push!! Like when Cathe says "I know your tired, but JUMP HIGHER". Always makes me laugh!!

AND.. you know what gets you with those stupid scissors?? The slow tempo. Cuz I can do the scissors in CTX Kickbox just fine, but they go at a faster rate! Also, CTX series helped me to get further in IMAX. It is a great series for cardiovascular training!!

Hi, Kris! It took me about 3 weeks of doing I-Max 1 twice per week to get through it with no modifications (that was back in the fall of 2000), and only recently have I gone to doing it every other week as opposed to once per week. In fact, I've been able to modify UPWARD with I-Max 1 to the point where I can add 8-16 reps of each blast torture move per interval.

I-Max 1 feels tougher for me than I-Max 2 because IMHO there are more mean intervals in I-Max 1, AND the first mean interval happens earlier in the routine in I-Max 1 than I-Max 2. I really don't feel completely, thoroughly fired up until I've completed that second interval in I-Max 1 with those many million slower-tempo vertical jumps in place.

If your knees and ankles can handle it, I'd recommend developing a rotation where you do I-Max 1 at least once per week, preferably at a time of day when you are at your best physically. And just try to get through one more rep in each interval without mods each week or so. Incrementally you can get there.

Also, on your non-I-Max days, consider incorporating Cathe workouts that include same or similar plyo moves: MIC hi/lo, 10-10-10 hi/lo segment, Circuit Max (especially the hi/lo segment), Step & Intervals, Boot Camp cardio segments, and of course I-Max 2. Doing these moves at less duration will keep your leg muscles and your heart muscle training up.

And just in passing . . . I too will never look like Cathe when I'm doing it or any other Cathe workout. She's looking like she's having fun; I look like I'm being electrocuted.

Keep'll get it. I find that if I take sips of water in the recovery periods, I can get through the whole thing without modifying. If I didn't have the water, I don't think I could make it.

I do it about once a week for a few weeks and then I'll do IMAX 2 once a week for a few weeks. I also do the CTX cardios a lot and they helped build up my endurance for Interval Max.

I use the 6'' step for all her workouts. (I'm 5'00'')
The girls has given some great suggestions. I did as AJ said. For the past 4 months I have been doing Imax1, MIC,Boot Camp and Imax2 every week. This is a rigorous schedule, I know, but it has helped immensely in doing Imax without modifications and without huffing and puffing. I'm doing it on an 8" box as well.
Drinking water between sets also is a big help. I would also walk around the room as opposed to the cooling down in one place. Seemed this helped me to catch my breath better in the beginning.
Now I can do those dreaded scissors and that horrible #10. :D
No way could I have done this in the beginning. In the beginning, my DH would come in and see me lying on the step, panting...'I'm going to die.' LOL
The putting it in the weekly rotation is what got me to where I am.
Keep doing it, you will get there too.
omg I totally get scared too when the music changes before Interval 9 in IMAX2? Also the first time I did Bootcamp and heard that REALLY FAST music for the warmup I made this really nervous giggle out of fright!

Gotta love Cathe!
LOL!! You guys are cracking me up about being scared when the music changes... I know EXACTLY what you mean!! It's like, "Oh no, here it comes!!!" The BOOGEYMAN!!!! LOL!!!!;-)
The hardest part of IMAX that I still have trouble getting through is those Power Scissors and Plyo Jacks! I can "fly" through IMAX2 with no modifications too. IMAX I think is tougher because you're doing the same movement generally the entire blast. In #2 she gives a couple moves. Yes, after a few years IMAX still scares me. I pull it out every 1-2 weeks and have to talk myself into it! Stay strong-Susan

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