

I finally did I-max this morning for the first time. I got it about 5 weeks ago along with several videos. It was like a dragon in a cave. I wanted to do it, but was really nervous. Well, it was just as tough as I feared, BUT I got through it with lots of modifications. I kept saying I'll do one more interval, then next thing I knew it was over. There's definitely lots of room for improvement, but I'm not nearly as intimidated now.

I've slayed the dragon!!

Woo hoo......

That's awesome!!!! Good for you!!! Doesn't it feel wonderful? Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayay :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

RE: Woo hoo......

Hi Susan,
Yeah, you should be so proud of yourself! This is still the toughest workout video I own. Keep up the good work. Pretty soon you can make it without modifications. I have been doing it faithfully for 2 years, and it still kicks my butt! Give yourself a big pat on the back, you deserve it!

Take care,
I still haven't done my Imax yet, and have had it for months. From all I've heard about this tape, you should be VERY proud of yourself!

You've just inspired me to do this one next week!
Imax is great! And modifications are key! There are several intervals I modify on, of course the last one being a given! I wonder if I'll EVER get my a** to do the leap & tuck like Cathe, heck, by that time I'm still amazed I'm still standing most mornings! :) And then there's the interval with the million plyo jacks, still modifying that one! I get about half way with Cathe then I'm heal jacking it! And the one where even Hope modifies, I stop just about where she does, and when Cathe says, "good Hope...", I'm usually saying, "yeah, good Hope! I'm with ya!"
But it keeps me coming back for more each week!
Congrats for getting thru IM. I love that tape and get to do it tommorrow a.m. (with my many, many modifications.) Robin.
I did Imax this morning for the third time, after having it for...oh, 6 months maybe?! Thanks to Donna for devising a rotation for me that has it in once a week! I also cannot get through the one where hope modifies, at all. Those jumping lunges are so tough, and I'm afraid I'll hurt my knees, I'm wobbling al over the place, so I just do the scissors. Last one also, no way. I do the jumping jacks.

But this morning, third time through, I really saw an improvement! I am "getting" it, my form is improving, I got an amazing workout, and I even "got" all the step sections, and did the plyos (okay, they werepretty lame near the end but...)

What I am loving about Cathe is getting through these workouts makes me feel so healthy and STRONG!

I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who modifies the plyo scissors interval--my knees hurt just thinking about it! I do all regular scissors. Still, I feel great when I finish--I'm always smiling!
I remember how confident I was the first time I put I-Max into the video player; I'd previewed it and thought, "Well! This looks pretty simple! Should be a breeze!"


It took me about two weeks of doing it 2X per week to be able to get through it without any modifications; when I was finally able to do it through, I walked around afterward like I'd just tinkled myself, but I was on a rush the rest of the night like you wouldn't believe!

Way to go, DragonSlayer!


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