
I saved doing this one for a day when I felt really good...and once I got started there was to be no turning back.

I had to modify a lot.....but I did manage to make it through. :-tired Cathe sure doesn't have to worry about me doing this tape with less than two days in between. :-wow

It was a wonderful workout....can't really say it was fun ;-).....and so very challenging. I will probably never do this one with all the plyo jumps and high impact...this old body can't take that anymore.....but this tape is a do when I want to feel a great sense of accomplishment.

I've rested a bit had my shower and now am ready to face anything. :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
Yeeeeah Susan!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-01 AT 11:54AM (Est)[/font][p]You will grow to have fun doing it. It is a real "feel-good", "accomplished-something" kind of tape as you know now!! You definitely will get better at the challenge the more you do it. I thought NEVER in 100 years would I ever be able to get thru some of the intervals but I did it! I still need help on those power scissors though :-wow OUCH!! GREAT JOB!! I think you've talked me into IMax today. Wish me luck!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Yeeeeah Susan!

You know you're getting this tape down when you don't say, "Yeah, right!" when Cathe says you should be able to fit a soccer ball under your foot. Or when you really try to do tuck jumps. This is my favorite Cathe tape, as I keep saying like a broken record. :7
RE: Yeeeeah Susan!

Honeybunch.....I was saying maybe a marble under my foot when she was still talking about the soccer ball so when she did come to the marble line I laughed out loud! I may never get this tape 'down' as you say, but I'm going to give it my best shot!

How did you do Debbie? Did you get your tuck jumps way up there? ;-) Bet you did!!! :)
I'm here...

..and ALIVE to talk about it!! Not a pretty site! ;-) Love, love, love that tape! I usually can get a piece of sand under my feet on those lunges!! LOL! But, oh the feeling of accomplishment when you are doing that grapevine turn and double grapevine cooldown. Ahhhhhhhh!! I just typed out the word "gravesite" instead of "grapevine"!! But I'm here & ALIVE!! Have fun with it, Susan. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Atta Girl, Susan!!

Man, you Fab-50 club put us younger chicks to shame! So happy for you :7! Yea, that tape is a doozie, I do it once a week and take it like medicine. Frankly, this tape spooks me a bit--just intimidated you know what I mean? So glad that you are hanging in there with thosekick bootie workouts. It is always inspiring to hear how othera are progressing in theie fitness goals. DebD
Hi IMAX junkies. I just received my second copy of IMAX in the mail today. I didn't wear it out, I traded it on the exchange for another Cathe tape. Oh, dopey me. As I progressed with my workouts and became stronger, I did live to rue that day!

I have to modify the scissors - they are just impossible for me and I substitute side ups.

I have my IMAX back and I will never make that mistake again. Never, ever, you hear me? LOL

I keep my workout tapes like some people keep their clothes in their closets.....what I used to do....what I do now....and what I want to challenge myself to be able to do.

IMAX is in the last catagory...and probably will never leave there! I like have a goal to reach...I may never ever reach it but the journey is very energizing!

Next week I am taking the challenge again!

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