Imax III and heavy weight training 6 day split

I love this exactly as Jillybean has broken it down, both for Imax III and the weight series, except w/ the cardio after the weights. I feel like I have less energy to put into lifting, especially heavy lifting, if I've done intense cardio beforehand.

If Cathe made this, I would absolutely buy it!!!
This idea has got my vote....!

Love that Slow and Heavy and with the ability to separate weights and cardio days OR mix them up, it's a sure fire winner as far as I'm concerned. Fingers crossed that Cathe creates something like this next!!!
I would like to take the liberty to add my preference for some intense ab and core work.The core work using the ball gives results, so more pikes etc. would be a great add on. :p Intense intense and heavy weights.
Some of us do not have access to a gym. To be the best we can be with our home equipment, we need intensity and heavy weights.:)

(aside to Jilly and you think this will help?) ;-) LOL
WOW! I was just looking through some previous posts and found this one! This would be just wonderful. I'd love some serious, heavy weight work with shorter but very intense and varied cardio following--just the way jillybean described. It would be the best of both worlds!

And gotta have an IMAX3! The hi/lo, kickbox and step intervals sound like they'd be fun & interesting and really keep the workout whizzing by! Some weeks I have to stop myself from doing IMAX2 more than twice a week--it's so effective and has that great fun factor! I just posted on Ya Yas that IMAX2 is one of my "Go To" workouts!

Jillybean's ideas are really terrific--I'd buy these workouts in a heartbeat!:)

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