Imax DVD options


Active Member
For anyone who owns the Imax DVD, can you just go through the
aerobic portions and skip the blasts?

There is a "step only" no blasts premix in Imax3. But not in Imax2 or the original Imax. I think with certain DVD players you can skip sections so you could just skip the blasts....HTH...:)..Carole
Hi, Gwynn! In the Interval Max workout that is on the same DVD as Rhythmic Step and MIC, the way the I-max workout is chaptered, you can indeed go from one step segment before the blast to the next step segment by using the chapter-advance feature on your remote. Cathe did not create chapter points for each step segment, each blast and each recovery segment as she did in I-max 2 and I-max 3.

In I-Max 2 you can do the same thing as I suggested for Interval Max, only you have to advance through 2 chapters. In I-max 3 there is either a step-only premix (maybe not) OR you can use the MixNMatch feature.

Hi Carole and A-Jock,

Thanks so much for the info. I currently have Imax on VHS and
the aerobic sections are plenty challenging, so that's why I
was wondering about the DVD options. Going off to search
for a DVD!

Thanks again, Gwynn
I did I3 today using the Step only premix. It's a nice variation, especially if you are short on time, or want to give your knees a break!

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