imax 3 - i'm scared


I just recieved my imax 3 DVD and previewed it last night. Honestly, I am quite scared of this workout. I would consider myself and intermediate exerciser who sometimes has to modify blasts. I thought the blasts looked so hard. I know that is the point of the workout, but I am scared :) . I think the one that scared me the most was Blast #7 where she has you doing a jumping jack combo onto the step. Yikes!!!

Anyway, I guess my question is do you think it might be better to do the premixes of this workout before attempting the whole thing so that I don't get too discouraged? Also any encouraging stories or pointers about doing this workout would be appreciated.


Hi, Karin! I-Max 3 is certainly challenging, but well worth the effort to get to the point where you're doing it with little or no modifications.

IMHO,a better way to get into I-max 3 would be to perform each step interval as produced, then go through as much of each blast as you can handle. If you have to drop down to a march or hit the PAUSE button to catch your breath and/or a slug of water and recover before the blast is completed at first that's fine. Just try to do a little bit more each I-Max 3 session; the more you try to work through the blasts, the more you'll BE ABLE to get through them. The blasts are designed not only for top-margin cardiovascular challenge but also for leg power development (these go hand in hand); they are very, very good training tools.

HTH! Let us know how you get on!

Hi Karin,

I agree with Aquajock's recommendation. That's how I've always approached the IMAX's, and it seems to work for me. Of course, all that choreography can be overwhelming at one time, so doing the step-only premix a few times might be good to help you get your footwork down.

Interval 7 initially appeared to me to be the most difficult interval, when I previewed the workout, but as it turns out, I find it to be the "easiest" and the most fun. I *love* the jacks onto the step, and hope she puts more of those into future workouts.

Just give the workout a try, keep your expectations low, and be proud of whatever you *can* accomplish, rather than focusing on what you can't. As Cathe says, "If you got it the first time, you'd be bored."

Ditto what Annette and Sandra said. Also, just move along and enjoy the music if you get will get it and love it! I love the jacks off the step also and I don't think they are that difficult compared to some of the other blasts. My favorite is blast 4 with the Bon Jovi song! Have a blast...tee hee!
I like IMAX 3 alot. Just do the workout to the best of your ability and don't be afraid to modify if you can't finish a section...just do side steps or grapevines until Cathe and crew finish the blast section but really, the workout is very doable. My first time through I fell apart on the jumps on and off the step towards the end...but I modified doing one to their two because my legs were fried and just not able to do what my brain was telling them to do!

All of the IMAX's are terrific workouts. Try to work them into your weekly rotation's (once or twice a week) and then you'll get used to them and increase your endurance.

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