IMax 3 - Got the tap steps!!!


I'm just so excited - did Imax 3 for the third time this morning - 5AM, no less, and got the tap steps in interval one for the first time!!! What a rush, never thought I'd get them. And got that richochet move in the jumping length of step interval - had so much fun. Was scared to do this so early and amazingly enjoyed it so much more than last time. Of course has a lot to do with the fact that I got most of the steps this time. And even let myself modify in two places (I never let myself modify) but had to with jumps after taps, and 2nd set of fast jacks on and off step. I just love this workout so much!!! (Especially since did, okay - tried to do Step Blast for first time Sat - great workout, will love it even more when I actually do what she's doing). Oh, and did MIS for first time on Sunday - that was HARD!!!
I believe I now worship Cathe.
Good for you!

I really struggle with those - I just feel like I look so much HEAVIER than Cathe & crew. They look like they are so much lighter on their feet or something. I don't know how they do it. Do you have any particular tips on how you mastered them? - Sarah
RE: Good for you!

I know just what you mean, and I still feel that way. It's just practice - I did Imax 3 twice first week I got it and then a few days later did Imax 2. I concentrated on just doing the steps even tho I probably did 8 or so tap steps to their 16. 2nd time I did a little better and in Imax 2 much, much better because they aren't as hard there as in 3. I think it also has to do with my attitude - instead of feeling like a horse because I can't do them, I told myself this morning I was just going to be as light and easy as I could be and who cares if I get them or not. So I had fun trying and found myself actually doing them- not mastered, trust me, but actually kept up with them.
You'll get them - I never thought I would.
RE: Good for you!

woo woo! fantastic! isn't it a great feeling when you conquer the steps? then you wonder why it appears hard in the first place ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"


Thanks for the advice. I'll keep trying them - and trying not to feel like a ton of bricks while doing it. Thanks! - Sarah
Good for you! They can definitely be tricky at first. I did IMAX 3 this morning at 5am and it sure gets your blood pumping, doesn't it?:)

And yes, Step Blast takes a few tries to get the moves down but it is SOOO much fun when you do.
I started off doing the entire workout and thought it had too much footwork in it. so anyway, I just ended up doing all the blasts instead and ended up sweating buckets. I am not a big step fan and when it has too difficult footwork I am less interested even more. I will give it another try though before I skip the entire workout again. I definately will do the blasts again, I thought those where great.
"I really struggle with those - I just feel like I look so much HEAVIER than Cathe & crew. They look like they are so much lighter on their feet or something. I don't know how they do it. Do you have any particular tips on how you mastered them? - Sarah"

Between this one and the KM blasts, I swear Cathe and crew have specially designed sneakers with springs in them... *shakes head* Wow! They get up there.

As for the step taps... I finally "got it" when I stopped trying to put any weight on the foot tapping, and simply hopped from foot to foot bringing my other foot up to merely tap the step.

They still wind me. Those and #9 are the only ones I dread in IMax 2. The rest are okay. In IMax 3, it's the hops up and over the step that kill me!
Great job! Reminds me of when m DH came down to the basement to see why I was hooting and hollering one night - I had finally gotten the walk and turn arounds from IMAX2's first interval.

Thank you, Christine! That may help me - not putting any weight on the foot tapping, and concentrate on hopping foot to foot. I'll try that next time. Thank you SO much for the tip. - Sarah
Congratulations! I LOVE the straddle taps and Imax 3 is my absolute favorite! I don't know why but those taps really click with me and I always enjoy getting started with them! It just keeps getting more fun!

Now, even tho I got them (tap steps), the idea of just hopping foot to foot is brilliant - I'm trying that on Monday when I do 3 again. Thank you Christine! - and as far as getting interval 1 in IMax 2 (fantastic) I still feel like that every time I get that one, but, I cannot, repeat, cannot get the step interval right before Interval 3 (I think it's that one) the diagonal over and then up & back. I don't know why but it defeats me every single time - no matter how many times I watch it or even if I get it once I just cannot get it again.
I know I will someday (i hope) but right now it seems like it'll never happen. Believe me I'll be cheering that day.
What I love about them is that they come right away - I feel like a champion when they're done, and then none of the other intervals seem as hard as they really are. I can't believe I was so scared of this workout, I actually had a nightmare before I received it, now it's right up there with IMAX 2 as my favorite workout.

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