
Does anyone here do IMAX 2 with an 8" step height? I do all my other workouts with an 8" step, but I just can't bring myself to do that one. If anyone does do it please let me know how much more difficult it is than with a 6".


Hi Katie,

I used to do this one with the 8"; I used to do all her step workouts at that height. When my left knee began to talk to me, I lowered my step to 6" for the workouts that Cathe does on 6". When I lowered the step height, the workout felt easier, and I think I improved my form quite a bit. Interval 6 can be very tricky on the 8"! If you're short in the leg, like me, there's no room for sloppy moves.

However, in terms of intensity, the most intense moves in that workout are done on the floor; step height is irrelevant. Where you'll notice the difference is in the aerobic (the easy step part prior to the anaerobic intensity blast) portion of each interval. If you find that you recover quickly from each intensity blast, and that the following step aerobic segment feels easy, then using the 8" step would up the intensity of the workout and create a new fitness challenge for you. If, however, you are still using the step aerobic sections as extended recovery periods, then you might want to hold off on increasing the step height. This is the long answer.

The short answer is that you have absolutely nothing to lose by trying the workout on 8". No one says you have to stay at 8" all the way through; give it a whirl and drop it down again at any time that it's feeling too intense. You may pleasantly surprise yourself!

Let us know if you try it!
i do IMAX 2 with an 8" step only bc i didnt realize that cathe and the group were using the 6" step until i was almost finished. i have never tried it with the 6 but i would think it would be much easier. that extra two inches really makes a big difference, in all moves that require the step in any capacity, including interval 7 where you do ski hops onto it, etc...

I always do IMAX2 on 8 inches also, mostly because I didn't realize for quite awhile that Cathe was using a six inch step. After struggling through Interval 5 several times, I lower my step to six inches for that interval only. But listen to your body and lower the step height if needed.

I do all of my step workouts on a 8 inch step.I to have noticed that only Rhonda uses a 8 inch step but I didn't know if it was b/c she was so much taller then everyone else. Sometimes I even go higher
If I am in the mood for kick butt cardio, I will use the 8 in on intervals 1-5 or 6. Whichever interval has the straddle taps, that is where I lower the step to 6 inches.

Got to spare my knees a little! And I am afraid I am going to trip on the step in the rest of the workout (as it gets harder).:)
LOL! Are you kidding?! i can't do ANY workout with risers and IMAX2 would be the last one i would hope to attempt that on! You ladies around here NEVER cease to amaze me!

I have started using only 6 inches because it save a lot of wear & tear on my knees & hips. Also, I feel less clumsy. Since I feel more confident on this height (I'm 5'3) I can really up the intensity & the power moves. I still have a great calorie burn according to my HRM.

However, when I see Cathe go back up to an 8" step then I'll feel obliged to do the same. Only Rhonda uses a higher step & I believe it's cause she's taller than all the other girls.

But, it's just my opinion.

In my preparation for Hardcore, I have upped my step to 8" for all my stepwork and I have added 1 pound gloves. At first, I was dying, but I quickly got adjusted to it and now it feels easier for me to have proper "toe-ball-heel" form when the step is at 8". I tend to stay more ballistic on the 6" step and I have to be more careful. Now on the 8" step, I have to be more careful to jump high enough so that I don't trip myself.
So far, my knees are fine. I'm 5'4" - I'm really overcome with thankfulness that my body is holding up to the workouts that forcing on it. :) I am hoping it takes the Hardcore challenge as well.
I graduated to the 8 inch quite some time ago. It works well for me and I am only 4'11". I will say that the blast in interval #6 takes more concentration than anything else. I really have to focus to keep from tripping. I did wipe out pretty hard once during that part. I flew back pretty hard and landed on my back. I was more stunned than anything else. Didn't hurt anything but made me focus more. I dusted myself off and carried on!

Try it, it does make for a greater challenge but with each greater challenge is a greater reward!

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