Imax 1..easier after Intensity Series!??!


Hi all! I got out Imax 1 today as I was in the mood for some serious Cathe cardio. I have to admit it sure seemed easier. I actually had to fast forward some of the recovery sections as they seemed too long and I could feel my HR going to far down?? I figure it must be all of the interval training I have been doing lately and the Cathe Intensity series that took my endurance to the next level?? Could this be possible? Or do you think it was just one of those crazy lucky days? All I know was I had to work to keep my HR up in some parts. I also didn't have to modify 1 time!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! :+ This is huge for me as I can remember when I first started doing Cathe I was lucky to get thru 1/2 of Imax 1! :p

It sure was a blast! I forgot how much hi/lo there is. It sure was a nice change. I really enjoyed it and will probably get it out next week again!

Have any of you experienced this lately? Anyone tried Imax 1 again as of late?
Fitnut-I noticed the same thing!I was thinking...i dont remember this being this easy(its definitely still a workout..i just wasnt struggling so much)!!I did it at 6:30 am. too -so i half expected to barely get through it.Its a good feeling knowing your endurance is at the next level...isnt it?!!!:)
This same phenomenon happened to me (and others) with MIC. I also did Cardio Kicks for the first time in a long while and I thought it seemed easier, too. I think two things are happening with the intensity series. One is the intervals you mentioned and the other is the result of developing a stronger core. I'm not sure how, but using core muscles for many of the moves (especially jumping type moves like plyos, tucks, etc.) seems to result in the move being 'easier'

I've been thinking about trying IMAX1 - haven't done that in a while - just to see if it seems easier for me like it does for you...

Fitnut - I know exactly what you mean about heartrate going down too far during recovery...I fell in love with Blast Mania from IMax 2 for that reason. We got a DVD recorder for Christmas, so I was able to "make" a Blast Mania for IMax 1 from my video's GREAT! So now I have 2 HIIT Cathe workouts...very high intensity (I have always used a 10" step for extra intensity with no joint problems)/quicker recovery periods and shorter workout sessions! Love 'em!

Well I tried it this morning. I won't say it was easy but it sure wasn't as hard as I was anticipating, especially considering my workout schedule for the last 3 weeks and the fact that I did Muscle Endurance yesterday! I was thinking that IMAX 2 was easier than one, but after doing 1 this morning, I'm not so sure...-joy
I've noticed that the new workouts have raised my fitness at least a couple of notches! I used to dread MIC, but last weekend I did it after doing Slow & Heavy Chest & Back. I surprised myself with that combo! And I wasn't even extremely tired afterward! In the past, I'd need a nap after MIC! LOL! Thank you Cathe!!!

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