I'm wounded!


And I did it to myself!

I have on several occasions scratched myself while kickboxing/boxing: doing fast jab-cross combos, and getting my hands too close together, with the thumbnail of one hand scratching the other hand, but yesterday was the worst yet.

Most of the time, I get just a 'paper cut' type scratch, but I ended up gouging myself pretty badly. I stopped working out, washed off the area (which was bleeding), put on some triple antibiotic ointment and a band-aid, and went to finish the workout (trying to keep thumbs tucked in, LOL!). When I was done, I went to change the bandaid, and got to inspect the cut a bit more: there was a strip of skin about 3/4-1" long, looking like a small fettucini noodle, hanging from the cut (I placed it back over the open area and rebandaged).

I don't even have long nails---barely beyond the tips of my fingers--but that's evidently enough to do some damage (I can't imagine how Cathe doesn't end up doing the same thing, with her long nails).

Please don't tell me I'm the only one uncoordinated enough to do this!
Nope, you're not alone--I've done it too many times to count! Always seems to happen when doing the "speedbag" move...there's nothing worse. Hope you feel better soon--and watch out for those fingernails!

When I first started kickboxing about 13 years ago while bobbing and weaving I actually uppercut my own nose and made my eyes water! That was all I needed (but way more than most people) to learn to punch AWAY, lol

Ouch!! Kathryn that sounds painfulx( I feel for you, I was kickboxing this morning and managed to rap my knuckles together pretty hard punching with one hand and pulling the other one in to guard....Cathe tells us to 'get into it', I guess I lost myself for a moment...hope your nasty gouge heals well and quickly!

Take Care

I am sorry you scratched yorself. At least you can continue working out. I sprained my ankle doing Low impact step 2 weeks ago. x( The doctor told me to prevent re injury, i can't workout out for 1 whole month!!!;( ;( So to answer you question. Nope you are not the only one who is uncoordinated. Believe me, when I say you where lucky. Where was your scratch, on your hand? I have scratch my face before. I hope your scratch heals quickly. :)
I once gave myself a bloody lip by punching myself in the chin. I guess I was biting my lip and hit my chin while doing a jab. I'm not very coordinated either.
I've started to wear gloves while doing kickboxing for that very reason. They're just the baseball gloves you can find in any sporting goods store.
This sounds so much like me:eek: Last Friday I was doing step-ups on the high step with a 8lb. medicine ball and I tripped on the step and dropped the ball to catch myself. The only bad thing is that the medicine ball bounced and popped me in the mouth and split my lip open and gave me a bloody nosex(
I have a scar at the base of my left thumb from an incident 4.5 years ago... and I don't have long nails at all!

I did learn my lesson: no matter *how* sweaty your sports bra is and no matter *how* many miles you ran and no matter *how* far away you are from home, it is best not to attempt to take your sports bra off while driving.

I bet those with longer nails have some sort of something (acrylic, gel, silk) on them, which makes them thicker and not as likely to scratch off skin. At least I hope that's true! ;-)

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