I'm such a load


Blew off working out last night; not a good phenom because I also blew off working out last Thursday night. That always happens to me in December-January, when it gets dark at about 2:30 p.m. and cold as a witch's you-know-what. Yesterday's excuse was that my nylons were too tight around the waistband and cut off my circulation and made me feel fatigued; Thursday's excuse was that I'd had insomnia the night before (which is true). These excuses join the ranks of didn't-eat-enough-the-night-before, did-a-little-extra-the-last-workout, and the Whimpering-Spouse-Syndrome, all of which are code for I-just-don't-*&^%$#@-feel-like-it.

So-o-o-o-o . . . will have to go through the next two workdays feeling like a sausage until my Wed. night aqua class. I don't know why I put myself through this.

Sorry for the rant - I have no one to thank for this but myself, and it's always a pain when I can't blame it on anyone else!

Yours in self-pity -

Hey Annette,
You are too funny! And now we are suppose to get icy rain tonight and tomorrow. How fun!

Hey! I'm just glad to know you actually don't feel like working out sometimes! Makes you a little more human to me, even though you're from the Swim Mitt Galaxy...or something close to that!

Right Andrea!? :)

I'm reading A-jock's post and thinking, "W-H-A-T? Okay~is the sky about to fall, are the planets somehow shifting, what? :)

But it is nice to know that that feeling is common to us all. I personally haven't had the nerve to give in to it yet because I'm afraid of falling "off the wagon," but it's nice to know I don't have to feel guilty when I do feel like that! :)

Pantyhose too tight? That's priceless! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
You are human!!!!

Yippee, thanks for sharing A-Jock. You've encouraged us all just to know that it happens to even the best!!!! I'm just now adjusting to the realization that if you miss a day the sky won't fall. (YES I'll still be a bear, but life as we know it won't end). AND we'll get right back at it. Or else those Cathe police will come and you know what happens then.........

We might go on vacation to Florida in January and will be gone for like 3 weeks. I'm already stressing how I'll get workouts in, I can't miss that much. I'm strategically trying to figure a way to get a VHS system for the car to keep the kids busy and then I'll bring Cathe tapes and I'm trying to figure which weights would be crucial and most versatile, and can you tie a barbell to the roof of the Suburban? Any ideas? I even thought maybe milk jugs filled with sand (lots of that in FL) could be used for endurance weights.....

WOW dark at 2:30 pm? Where do you LIVE for Heaven's sake?

I'm moaning about it getting duskish at 5:30 pm and dark by 6 pm!

Sheesh...at least you make the effort to come up with a lame excuse! I'm too lazy even for that! :-rollen I find inertia to be such an overwhelmingly powerful force in my life, I'll be thinking in my head, "I know that a good workout is exactly what I need, I'll feel so great afterwards," and yet I STILL will sit on my butt. There is no excuse for it--I'm just a low-energy person.

I need my own personal arse-kicker!!!

Yours in sloth,
Joanne, do you live in MN as well? Cool! (If you do). A-Jock...I here ya. I love how I drive to work in the dark, drive home from work in the dark, yet I only put in an 8 hour day. If it wasn't for my family, Prince, and the T-Wolves, I'd leave this place! And you aren't a sausage! Although nylons do feel like a casing at times, do they not!?!
.....so she IS human after all..........

Briee..you could use rubberbands. They work in a jiffy if you know how to use them!!

RE: Lauren, my sister in sloth

I wish coming up with lame excuses took any effort on my part. Unfortunately, the rationalizing muscles in A-jock's anatomy were born strong and are getting stronger all the time, with little or no training.

You make me laugh, girlfriend! I remember a co-worker telling me once, "You know you're feeling lazy when starting to read a new book takes too much effort!"

I've never used them...but I could learn if that's what it takes. I'll have to check into this and thanks for the suggestion. There is something I'll miss about cold hard steel being hoisted overhead......this does get into your blood doesn't it?

RE: Lauren, my sister in sloth

My daughter told me (wisely) that I would rather read a book about something than do it. I just sniffed and had to agree.

I mean, if you can pretty well imagine what an experience will be like, why get off of the couch? Unless of course it's the Holy Fear of Butt-Lumps which drives me into the crazed Cathe-dance most days.
So do I. My friend has S.A.D. No one with S.A.D. should live here. That's like handing a germaphobe a used kleenix.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 11:07AM (Est)[/font][p]My problem is that I've been feeling increasingly tired, stressed, and cranky since I've been slacking on my workouts. (Gee, could we all have predicted this?) So if I don't get back into the routine soon, someone's gonna end up with my fingers clutched around their throat...

A-jock, I think that as long as you don't get to the point where all you want to do is either take a nap or strangle someone, you don't need to feel TOO bad about missing a few workouts! ;-)

I know you're kind of kidding, but don't be too hard on yourself! I find it really hard to get the workouts in at this time of year for many of the reasons you gave: it's too dark to run outside, I feel really confined to the house, and the last couple of weeks I've been so stressed with the huge list of to do's running through my head at all times that I almost feel like I'm wasting precious time if I work out! Like, heck, I could be doing that xmas shopping at 5:30 AM.

I also find that I am more tired, from all the hectic running around, and crave lighter workouts. I'm doing more yoga these days, it helps. And I love slow and heavy for this time of year, I find it relaxing.

Ya. That happens to me every year around this time. The closer it gets to Christmas, the less I want to work out. I want the party to start NOW, darn it!

I usually workout to Cathe 5 - 6 mornings a week and go the gym on my lunch-hour on weekdays. Now, I just wanna stay in bed and read "People" and go to the Swiss Chalet in my office building for lunch instead of going to the gym. So far I've managed to resist these temptations (plus the Godiva chocolates in the kitchen) but gotta tell you, I was a zombie this morning doing Circuit Max -- mentally I was goin' "Ya, ya, ya. Enough already. Get on with it" (my apologies to the Cathe who lives in my VCR). No energy, just lots of sweat and the blahs.

I am so looking forward to taking a few days off at Christmas and New Years, being with my family, and eating anything I want.

And I'm so relieved and grateful when someone like you, Fitness Goddess Annette, admits that sometimes she skips workouts because she doesn't feel up to it -- I do it myself sometimes and manage to survive the day. I even feel better for it, like some huge weight has been lifted off of me (probably a barbell) and I can just "chill" and not obsess about not working out enough.

By the way, Annette, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your posts. You have a great, kind heart and your posts are always exceptionally well-written, articulate and most important to me, honest. So keep on "ranting" -- I appreciate it!

I agree totally with Patricia's post above. Couldn't have said any better how much I look up to you & enjoy your posts.
Quite frankly, I'm SO relieved to know the very best of this crowd can have off-days & excuses to not workout. I used to think that a select few of you were way too perfect for me to ever join you on the pedestal! LOL
It makes me feel a lot better about myself to think that I'm just normal. (Well...)
I hate winter more each year & spend a good part of it trying to stay out of the abyss of depression. I hadn't worked out in 2 days before today, when your post spurred me back into action. Thanks!

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