Blew off working out last night; not a good phenom because I also blew off working out last Thursday night. That always happens to me in December-January, when it gets dark at about 2:30 p.m. and cold as a witch's you-know-what. Yesterday's excuse was that my nylons were too tight around the waistband and cut off my circulation and made me feel fatigued; Thursday's excuse was that I'd had insomnia the night before (which is true). These excuses join the ranks of didn't-eat-enough-the-night-before, did-a-little-extra-the-last-workout, and the Whimpering-Spouse-Syndrome, all of which are code for I-just-don't-*&^%$#@-feel-like-it.
So-o-o-o-o . . . will have to go through the next two workdays feeling like a sausage until my Wed. night aqua class. I don't know why I put myself through this.
Sorry for the rant - I have no one to thank for this but myself, and it's always a pain when I can't blame it on anyone else!
Yours in self-pity -
So-o-o-o-o . . . will have to go through the next two workdays feeling like a sausage until my Wed. night aqua class. I don't know why I put myself through this.
Sorry for the rant - I have no one to thank for this but myself, and it's always a pain when I can't blame it on anyone else!
Yours in self-pity -