I'm starting a PS rotation


I just got these tapes in a trade and I want to
start a rotation with them next week.
I know the new instensity videos are the rave right now
but I would like to work my way up.
Is anyone else using the PS tapes in their rotations and would you care to join me in a daily check-in so that
we can keep each other motivated.
I'm new so I could use all the help I can get.
There are a few of us who are already doing the PS rotation and are in to our thrid week.We normally check in ever Sunday just to let each other know how our week went.You are more then welcome to join us even though we are half way there.
I would love to
Do you check-in on this forum
and do you put your weekly workout schedule
for that week.
Can you tell I've never done this before.
Thanks Angie...
Yep,we usually just check in to tell each other how we did and we usually post what we did for everyday of the week.What we liked or didn't like .....just whatever you feel like sharing.Don't worry, you may be new to this but is far from complicated:D.When do you start the rotation?
By all means join us Angie and if you need any rotation ideas we'd be happy to post the one that we all are doing. We've each tweaked and changed it around to fit our scheduling needs but for the most part not much of it is changed. See you on Sun or Mon I have to check-in on Monday since I work on Sun.


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