I'm ready


Active Member
to purchase whatever I need to accomplish my goal of slimming down and losing mass. Which Cathe videos should I start w/ ???????????? I already own max. intensity cardio, step heat, and step jam.

Are you currently doing any weight work? If not, I think you need to add weight work to help reach your goals. For Cathe weight work, I had good luck with Circuit Max and Maximum Intensity Strength. BodyMax is another favorite of mine!

If you do not own weights, you will need to purchase free weights (Dumbbells) and a barbell for MIS and BM. CM just uses dumbbells.

Let us know a little bit more about what equipment you have and don't have so we can help you more.

Good luck.
That would help!DUH! I own a curling bar, olympic bar, all the plates, dumbbells of 3,5,8,and 10 #'s. Ankle weights, the step, a stationary bike and I have access to a treadmill and stair stepper. Currently I'm doing the FIRM #1 most of the time. In case you don't know, it's aerobic weight training. I use all the dumbbells and 2.5 # ankle weights when I am doing it. I just ordered the aerobic step box from novelty notions (i think that's the name). Thanks.
All of Cathe's strength training videos kick butt, so I guess it boils down to...

...how much time each day do you have to workout and for starters would you rather do a total body workout or split your workout days into upper and lower body, do one body part with some cardio a day such as in the CTX series?? So many possibilities!!


P.S. What do you think of the FIRM??
I love the FIRM. But yet that's the only thing I've really done. I'm a stay at home mother of 3. 2 are in school all day now. YEAH!
What's the diff. between cardio and aerobics? I think I would like a total body. Sooooooooooooo much to buy/choose from.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 08:33PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 08:32 PM (Est)[/font]

Alot of people use the terms "cardio" and "aerobics" interchangeably to describe non-strength training workouts that work your body in the "aerobic" phase. However some also use "aerobics" to describe a specific kind of cardio, namely what they are referring to is your classic hi/lo or floor, non-step type of aerobics. Other types of cardio include kickboxing, step aerobics, biking etc. If you want a total body strengthening workout I'd order either Maximum Intensity Strength which is a slower paced routine using a barbell and weights that works legs using a standing routine and step-ups and then goes on to work upper body in this order...chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps using a barbell and dumbells. It concludes with an ab routine. The entire workout lasts roughly 70 minutes but it's easy to split up this video into 2 workouts...lower and upper body. I also really like Power Hour which is a faster-paced fun total body workout that works legs, then chest, back, back to legs again with some tough lunges, then onto shoulders, a killer bicep routine and then triceps. This video also has an ab section at the end. This video also uses a barbell and dumbells. My advice would be to get both since MIS is more strength building and Power Hour is more toning/endurance oriented that way you can use one for about 4-6 weeks, and then switch to the other for some great muscle confusion. Hope this helps you out.

:) Stacy
O.K......... I ordered ab hits, the wedding video, circuit max, MIS, power hour and leaner legs. I may have gone overboard, but I want to get them now while I can.
I want to do one of those before and after posts w/ pictures when I reach my goal. I have already taken my "fat" picture when I was 185#'s. Right now I'm 158#'s. I think that that loss was due to stress over an injury I got. I know CATHE will be kicking my butt, but I think I can handle it. Besides, the more you do it the better you get. Right?

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