I'm peeved at my cat and don't know how to get over it

I think you have gotten some good feedback and are on the right track but I still want to raise this point. Most highly socialized cats don't like harnesses. To her, she was a happy outside cat who did as she pleased and found someone to feed her. Then you took her inside, stuffed her in a harness, took her back outside and said "PSYCH", and then didn't understand why you didn't want her to put the harness-thingy back on her (and no it doesn't need to be anywhere near you for her to figure that out).

So I'm not really suprised she scratched you. I have a cat that I've had since I kitten who still abhors her harness and another that loves cuddles but doesn't like her belly rubbed. I'm not trying to be mean but just saying that what you are asking of her is a lot for a cat, particularly one that is still transitioning to living with you and being inside. If you want someone who wants to cuddle all the time, consider a dog :D.

I don't say this to be mean but just to add a little bit of levity and think about the situation from her perspective. You've chosen to do a lot of things for her (which is great!) but those aren't necessarily the choices she would have chosen for herself and some pushback is to be expected.
I don't know if this is true or not, but my male friendly goofball cat is light orange. The groomer we go to said that light orange cats more than likely always have a nice demeanor, cuddly, friendly, laid back.

Kiwi (that's his name, don't ask! LOL) will by choice lay belly up in the middle of the kitchen floor waiting for a belly rub. he's so freakin goofy!

I do wonder if that is true about all LIGHT orange cats. Anyone have one?
Yep, Jaffa is a light orange cat and his middle name could be mellow. He's an easy going friendly guy. He's the favorite among our friends because unlike the other cats he will greet anyone who comes to the house. His personality is not as complex as Squirt's was and Slinky had him beat in the sweetness department but he is a well rounded cat and should I ever find myself unable to care for him I know at least three people who would take him in a heartbeat. He thinks DH is god and follows him around like a little dog, he even comes when DH calls him.
I have no scientific backing for this theory but I have found that orange toms tend to be sweet hearts while grey tiger striped cats tend to be from h*ll. My current orange tom is a lovebug and I used to have one at a barn that I tended who was an absolutely wonderful cat. I find similarities in the cats that come through the shelter too.

I think you have gotten some good feedback and are on the right track but I still want to raise this point. Most highly socialized cats don't like harnesses. To her, she was a happy outside cat who did as she pleased and found someone to feed her. Then you took her inside, stuffed her in a harness, took her back outside and said "PSYCH", and then didn't understand why you didn't want her to put the harness-thingy back on her (and no it doesn't need to be anywhere near you for her to figure that out).

So I'm not really suprised she scratched you. I have a cat that I've had since I kitten who still abhors her harness and another that loves cuddles but doesn't like her belly rubbed. I'm not trying to be mean but just saying that what you are asking of her is a lot for a cat, particularly one that is still transitioning to living with you and being inside. If you want someone who wants to cuddle all the time, consider a dog :D.

I don't say this to be mean but just to add a little bit of levity and think about the situation from her perspective. You've chosen to do a lot of things for her (which is great!) but those aren't necessarily the choices she would have chosen for herself and some pushback is to be expected.

You make some good points. I guess she was getting confused about going outside then not being able to and having to stay in. I will not be taking her out anymore. Overall, I don't think she's happy. She's starting to cry a lot at different times and I don't know why. I don't have a large place for her to roam around in. She jumps up on the counters and the stove at night and has ruined one of our blinds. I'm starting to think again about finding her another home that she may have more room and freedom in. I just don't know what to do. I want her to be happy and I feel responsible for her happiness. I hate having to figure this out. *sigh*

I don't know if this is true or not, but my male friendly goofball cat is light orange. The groomer we go to said that light orange cats more than likely always have a nice demeanor, cuddly, friendly, laid back.

Kiwi (that's his name, don't ask! LOL) will by choice lay belly up in the middle of the kitchen floor waiting for a belly rub. he's so freakin goofy!

I do wonder if that is true about all LIGHT orange cats. Anyone have one?

I've never had an orange cat (light or dark!), but I theorized long ago, after my experiences with many, many cats at my local shelter, that male orange cats are usually very friendly (this didn't seem to be true of all the females).

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