I'm new - where to start?


A friend told me about your videos and gave me one to try. I'm totally new to working out with exercise videos. I don't know where to begin. Are there any sites or information on this site to help a brand new beginner? I know I have a long road ahead of me and I want to get started on the right foot - and then have the knowledge of what to work on, what videos to do, when to rest, good rotations, etc. My friend talks about that stuff but has been doing it for 2 years. I need help!

Hi and welcome!! I'm not Cathe (though it would be nice to have her body), but maybe I can help. Being a major Cathe fan, and having worked out exclusively with exercise videos for about 15 years, I have to say she's the best in the business, hands down. Before we get you started on video suggestions, it would help us to know a little more about your fitness background, such as are you experienced with stepping, what home equipment you have, do you consider yourself a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level exerciser, do you have a dvd player, etc. This is a great site to answer your fitness questions, though at first the site can be a little overwhelming. Other sites you may want to check out if you havent already are videofitness.com there you'll find video reviews and a forum designated strictly for the beginner video exerciser. Another site is collagevideo.com where you can purchase and view video clips as well as read reviews of non-Cathe videos. Hope to hear from you soon!

:) Stacy
Hi Stacy,

Thanks for your post! I've used a step a couple times years ago in a class, but quickly gave up. I have 3,5,8, & 10 lb. dumbbells and my husband just bought me a treadmill - which i love. It has the hydraulic incline, preset workouts (which I don't use right now - they are too hard), etc. But, I need more of a workout. I'm one of those people that if I workout, I stay in shape and pretty healthy. Once I quit, the weight climbs on quickly and I feel down and depressed instantly. I've been doing this for 15 years. I want to be fit and healthy once and for all! I have dvd and vhs systems. Another problem is time. I work 45-50 hours a week in an office at the computer. When I get home, I'm mentally exhausted! I don't get a break - constant work. So naturally, I want to relax, even though my body actually was at rest all day. I'm also active in my church which knocks out Wednesday night and Sunday morning to mid afternoon. I have very little down time. There's gotta be a way!

Thanks for your help and suggestions!!
Hi! There never seems to be enough hours in a day does there, lol?? The only way I get my workouts in is to figure what workout I'm going to do each day for the following week. I usually take 1-2 rest days a week and make those my days when there would be no way I'd have the time or energy to workout anyway. If you don't have a full-length step, you'll need one if you're planning on doing Cathe's step tapes. Her easiest ones are her earlier ones so the sets, outfits, etc are a bit dated, but the choreography is easier to learn than her newer tapes. Her earlier step tapes include: Mega Step Blast, Step Max, her Wedding Video, and Step Heat. If you dont plan on getting as step, although intense, Cardio Kicks is great. The kickbox tape from her CTX series is shorter and less intense. Most of her weight tapes can be modified with dumbells if you dont have a barbell, some of her weight tapes dont use a barbell at all. If you're new to weight training, I'd suggest either Maximum Intensity Strength which can be split into upper and lower body workouts or done all together in one day, or her Pure Strength series which splits body parts into separate workouts. The rep speed is a bit slower in this one. I have just previewed her Intensity Series videos and the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body looks awesome, but may be frustrating to someone who is new to weight training b/c of all the equipment changes. Let me know if you have anymore specific questions, we all love spending someone else's money, lol!

I just joined the forum and am looking for guidance too! I need more advanced workouts. I have been doing The Firm, Crunch, and Kathy Smith and find that I don't sweat like I used to. I am looking more for toning/weight lifting. I can't jump around in my house because I don't live on the first floor and don't want to fall through the ceiling! :-( I swim laps, and use an elliptical machine in the AM, several times a week for the cardio part. I also walk most weekdays for a mile at work (there is a trail with markers).

I lift 8-pound weights in most of the workouts that I do. I am interested in purchasing the following DVDs and would like any advice that anyone can give:

Power HOur, MIS, Body Max DVD
Slow and Heavy Series DVD
Pure Strength DVD

What about the new Terminator with the three-volume intensity worrkouts? I have had problems trying to download the video streams - my computer connection jams up.

also, any advice on the any of the weight training DVDs would be extremely helpful. I requested a paper catalogue, but have not received one yet. I have a dial-up connection and it is rather slow.

Thanks again.
Hi and welcome! If you don't want to fall thru your neighbor's ceiling, the only dvd of the Intensity series I'd recommend would be the Pyramid Upper and Lower Body dvd. The others contain high impact jumping. All of Cathe's strength training workouts are superb. I think one gets the most benefit from changing up your routine every few weeks from say a slower, heavier routine to one more endurance oriented with faster reps. Whatever you choose, you'll most likely need to purchase a few more dumbells if all you have are the 8's. I have dumbells ranging from 3 to 20 lbs and use them all depending on the workout. If I were you'd I'd purchase both the Power Hour and the Pure Strength dvds and save the S&H dvd for later to work thru a plateau. I have them all, but only whip out the S&H dvd every few months. Power Hour and the weight work on Body Max is more endurance oriented, MIS can be divided into an upper and body workout to be done on the same or separate days and in my opinion is somewhere in the middle btwn strength and endurance. The Pure Strength series is more strength focused. Hope that helps.


I am going to jump on the bandwagon here since I am new and have a strength related ques:

What dumbbells should I purchase? I have 2,3,5 right now. They are definitely too light.

Also how critical is the barbell? Is it pretty easy to modify so you can use dumbbells?

You can definitely use dumbells only for Cathe's workouts though some are just more fun with a barbell, ie. Power Hour. I had my Cathe tapes for over a year before I decided to purchase a barbell, and it was one of the best investments I ever made. (I have a 5ft barbell with 100 lbs total of weight plates, I got the whole set for $40 at Sportsmart). Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to purchase a set of 8's, 10's and 12 lb dumbells. It took me awhile to progress to 15's and I only use my 20's now for one or two exercises. I have your basic metal hexagonal dumbells. Also purchasing a pair of weight lifting gloves (mine were $10)is a must. Sweaty palms and weight lifting isnt a safe idea!

:) Stacy
What about the "Ab Hits DVD"? Also, Is the Intensity Series Vol. 2 (Boot Camp and especially Muscle Endurance)good? Thanks for your insight.
THis should probably be posted in the open forum! LOTS of folks read and reply to there. This section is suppose to be just for questions for Cathe.

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