I'm new - What DVD is Similar to Leaner Legs?


I'm fairly new and I have the Intensity Series, Body Blast Series, Hardcore Series, as well as Circuit Max, High Step Circuit, both Advanced and Basic and Body Fusion, and the Power Hour DVD with the 3 workouts on it (can't remember their names - Body Max and something else). I want to lean out my legs, but I don't have money to buy this tape. What leg workout is similar to it?

Please help.
LL is one TOUGH workout! And you can buy it separately on VHS for $24.95 if that is more in your price range. I'm pretty new to Cathe, too. Only about 7 months now. So I hope this helps and some of the more experienced ladies can chime in. Here is a link to the breakdown of the exercises in LL. http://www.videofitness.com/reviews/friedctx-ll.php

From the videos you list, I think your best bet is to use the blender feature on the Supersets/Push Pull DVD to create a custom lower body workout that matches the sequencing as closely as possible.

HTH - Mona
You have the Intensity Series, which has Pyramid Lower Body. I use PLB both for strength and endurance. For strength, I go as heavy as I can and put rests between sets/pyramids; for endurance, I use low/moderate weights and hardly rest at all. PLB is a great workout that has given me results. I alternated it with Pure Strength Legs, and the leg segments in Power Hour and MIS, both workouts you also have.

You also have the Body Blast Series, which has Legs & Glutes. L&G also works on endurance, and many ladies on this forum love it for its variety. The BB series also has KPC, a kickboxing workout which is also good for leaning out legs. I alternate weighted standing work with kickboxing and floor work, and see good progress. It's slow. Been slow these last 2 years, but there's progress.:)

Based on the list of workouts you have, you have enough leg workouts to help you. Body Max is in the Power Hour DVD. There's a step section there that alternates step with weighted leg work. That's also another way you can work out your legs. And the HC series has GS-Legs, which is a wonderful workout.

Try alternating all the leg workouts you already have as you save some $$$ for LL. Eat clean, drink lots of water, rest well.

I just did Muscle Endurance (Intensity series) last night. It is a TOTAL body endurance work out but there is a lower body premix on this dvd. I don't know how long it is but I'm sure it's a good one!

My quads were screaming after all of those darned leg presses she made me do! x( lol

HTH :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


So I guess in general, everyone feels that working your legs with heavy weights will eventually lean them out? I asked this question on the ask Cathe Forum, but she has been too busy to answer. I'm a little confused about lifitng heavy on my legs, as I've had problems with my pants fitting tighter when I first begin to do this, so I've always avoided heavy weights when working my legs. I guess I'll stick with it and see if they begin to lean out. If my pants keep getting tighter, I'm gonna have a serious problem. LOL :eek:

ETA: Thanks for the videofitness description. I was able to find out that the workout consists of mainly a basic leg workout with heavier or moderate to heavy work and I guess it is more of an endurance workout. I guess the Muscle Endurance leg premix would be a good one. I'll have to try it.
Muscle Endurance is a high rep work out so you shouldn't go too heavy...you really want to be able to finish all of the reps...and there are lots! LoL Start out on the lighter side...ofcourse, as with any weight work out, once it gets too easy then you should increase your weight but I wouldn't go HEAVY right off the kick on this one....


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


So does everyone try to lift what Cathe does, or what feels right for your body? I know this is a stupid question, but I'm curious. I know I can't lift what she does yet.....maybe some day.
First of all, to answer your question about lifting what Cathe lifts. I know i don't, I lift what I can, but yet still make sure I'm pushing myself.

Also, I too have been trying to work on my legs a little bit more. So, is it true that lifting heavier will slim down your legs?! That doesn't seem right, but if it is I'll try to go heavier. I've only been doing assorted workouts from FitTv, but have recently purchased Boot Camp + ME, Kick Max, Muscle Max, GS - Legs, and GS - Back, biceps, shoulders. I too, have felt a change in my body since starting Cathe's work outs. All in a good way! But I have noticed my jeans fitting a little tighter and was thinking somethings wrong.

I remember when I first started teaching aerobics way back when and my legs would always get bigger at first and then slim down, so I was wondering if it's the same thing happening here?

So, with all these new DVD's would you all agree to still invest in Leaner Legs? I have to say KIck Max kicked my butt.....and my legs! LOL Still sore today from yesterday! It's a good sore though! :)

Have a great a weekend!
Also, what poundage is everyone considering heavy. We're just supposed to make sure we do all of the reps Cathe does and if we need to change our weight mid reps, and lighten the load, as long as we finish the reps and challenge ourselves, we're alright....am I correct?

and yes, would it be wise to invest in Leaner Legs, or is it just a basic squat, lunge, etc. workout that you can get with the Muscle Endurance premix for leg, Hardcore Legs, etc
>I remember when I first started teaching aerobics way back
>when and my legs would always get bigger at first and then
>slim down, so I was wondering if it's the same thing happening

Yes. When I use heavy weights for my legs, my jeans are tight for the next 2-3 days.

>So, with all these new DVD's would you all agree to still
>invest in Leaner Legs? I have to say KIck Max kicked my
>butt.....and my legs! LOL Still sore today from yesterday!
>It's a good sore though! :)

Yes, LL will hit you differently than Cathe's other leg workouts. Low weights, high reps, no rest between sets. So if you don't have LL yet but have her other leg workouts, go low on the weight and don't rest between sets, if you can. Or keep your rests very short. That's the only way I can think off to mimic Cathe's pace in LL.

How low you go with your weights depends on you. I usually take my heaviest weight and subtract 10-15 lbs. for moderate weight; subtract 20-30 lbs. for low weight. How did I come up with those numbers? Trial and error. And a lot of listening to my body to see how it responded to the weights. These numbers will differ with every body.

For me, lifting heavy weights just bulks up my legs. I'm a pear shape and have muscular thighs to begin with. I'm trying to lean out, so when I do LL (which is my favorite lower body workout) I only use a 30 pound barbell. I think Cathe uses 35 pounds.

Right now I'm contemplating doing a rotation I saw on the YaYas that calls for standing leg work one day, and floorwork the next. It's supposed to help slim down the lower body. I like the idea of incorporating more floorwork into my routine. I think floorwork gets easily overlooked but it's so important because it helps strengthen muscles that often get ignored when you do so many squats and lunges. That's why I also love Legs and Glutes. It has the best of both.
>Right now I'm contemplating doing a rotation I saw on the
>YaYas that calls for standing leg work one day, and floorwork
>the next.

Forgive me, for my ignorance, all of this is still new to me, but what is the YaYas? I would love to check out that rotation you mentioned ASAP.! :) I'm trying to reshape my body, but I don't want to get bigger!

Also, thanks Pinky for the response to my questions. :) :)


the best results I ever got for the legs and butt came from doing Circuit Max at least once per week, and where Cathe does the 2 minute compound weights segments, I susbstitute 2 mins of squats, static lunges, plie squats, lunges on to the step, lunges off the step heading backwards, etc, with a 25 or 30 pound barbell (not considered heavy), so that I am really burning out the leg and glute muscles for the day. Then, I add to this Leaner Legs once per week. I really do think that it slims the legs more than any other Cathe lower body workout. I also walk whenever and wherever I can, including 1 or 2 two hour power walks per week in Sring, Summer and Autumn, because I find that this also really fatigues the legs and kills my butt afterwards! Plus, the sunshine and fresh air do terrific things to my mood!

The new Gym Style legs does not use very heavy weights at all (I think over 35 pounds is "heavy"). It has a lot of variety of rep speeds, and favours lower weights than other Cathe leg and butt wokouts. So this might work for you also. But, I would avoid Slow & Heavy legs in your case. Train the upper body for mass with heavier weights, and train the lower body for endurance with lighter weight and higher reps.

Many women who consider themselves to be "pears", with a heavier lower half of the body, should train this way. It's OK to train different parts of the body differently. I am not a pear, rather an ecto, but I still train this way to build up my upper body and stop it looking like a stick, and also because I want greaater lower body endurance for my cardio routines. Your whole body looks better if the top and bottom are more in balance.

Thanks Pinky for the info. I'm going to give GSL a try for the first time tomorrow. I'll keep your advice in mind while working out.

Never mind the last post. I responded twice!:-( It's been some kind of day with the kids!


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