I'm new. Maybe a little long, Sorry.

How lucky for you and Amy to have something that you can share and enjoy together even if it is the "pain" a Cathe workout can bring.
:) Hope you both enjoy the results of all your hardwork.

Awww! I am going to show this post to my DH!

You are most welcome here! Cathe can be pretty evil, huh? She kicks your butt, yet for some reason we all come back. We are gluttons for torture, I guess.


Welcome, Thomas! Good to have more men doing (ahem) Cathe workouts. }( You and Amy are lucky to have each other's support.
Hey Thomas!! Just wanted to say Welcome!! i think YOU ROCK for posting your heart-felt admiration of Amy. See ya around!(most probably in the <----- thread:)

Thomas, is that a typo? Do you really weigh only 128 lbs? If so, do you mind my asking why you want to be so thin? Don't mind me, I'm like a Jewish mother always worrying that people are too thin.


Thanks for the concern. I'm not thin, I'm wiry. I have had a few people tell me I look thin, but I feel healthy. My legs have always been thin from my lower calf to my feet. My thighs are medium sized, but cut. I have a six pack and my upper body is more well defined than in the past. I should probably add five pounds, but for my frame, my weight, to me, seems alright. And I believe I'm 5'7" with my big shoes.
I don't want anyone to think I was bragging on my last post. After I read what I had posted, it sounded very arrogant. I'm just happy the way my body looks now; sort of like when I was in college. Sorry, not bragging.


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