I'm new here


New Member
Hi everybody!
I've been reading posts for months now but have never written one. I'm 44, married, 4 daughters, 1 border collie, 2 cats, and own every Cathe tape.

I LOVE these workouts. Started about 12 years ago with the FIRM, found out about Cathe from Firm message Boards, and am I glad I did! I started out with the strength training and moved on to the step, which I had avoided for years. It looked too hard, but when I realized the great workout I could get from stepping, I decided to learn the moves.

I started doing things a bit backwards in the step department. The first video I decided to tackle was Rhythmic Step. I knew none of the choreography at first. I would rewind and rewind a move until I got it. What a klutz I was at first. I even fell off of the step a few times, but I hung in there.

I'm very tall (6"1") and big boned, and thanks to these videos, in good shape. I love my videos and look forward to working out and reading these forums whenever I can. I can't wait for the new videos either!
Hey Neighbor!

Hi Nicole! Welcome to the gang! What part of Nj are you from? I live in Blackwood! Maybe we can get together and head to Cathe's for a workout someday----Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Welcome bordercollie!I've been Cathe fan for 4-5yrs.I started with the Powermax video which blew me away.Now I have close to all her videos.Recently ordered the Intensity Series.I can't either.~Linda~
Hi bordercollie,
Welcome. You must really be someone who has a lot of persistance to have started with rhythmic step and kept on it until you succeeded!

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