I'm in a funk =(

Hello I'm in a funk. I have gained 7 pounds and i'm out of shape. For about 7 years i worked out 6 to 7 days a week. For the past 3 yrs. Not so much. Maybe 3 to 1 time a week I will workout. What has changed is my work. My husband and I bought a business and work all the time now. I cant seem to get a my workout schedule back on track. To top it all off the business we bought is a store with alot of food in it I dont need. Like candy bars, chips and fried foods. I need help! I need a pep talk. I'm just so tired when I get off work and before I go to work I dont feel like working out. Help someone. =)
I can understand your situation and the frustration you feel. My workload is sometimes overwhelming to me, and I do have trouble at times with striking a healthy balance. I know that I feel better overall and have more energy to do my job well when I’m fit, but during the last school year, between the work stress and injury, I did drop the ball fitness-wise.

So I am determined to make some needed changes. In my case, I am shooting for 5 days of working out per week, allowing myself two rest days during the busy workweek. When possible, I plan to work out *before* work so there’s less likelihood of my plan getting derailed or me being too exhausted at the end of the day. If I have a run scheduled for the afternoon, then it’s happening immediately after work—no getting comfortable or checking email or Facebook first. I probably kill too much time on the computer, anyway. I’m also laying out my workout clothes the night before. Do you have set days off that you know for sure you can do workouts on those days? Can you work it out with your DH that you start an hour later a few times a week, and vice versa so he gets a little time for himself, too? Do you (or can you) take a lunch break, where you fit in a short walk walk daily? Even if you can only spare 15-20 minutes, at least you're moving.

Where the snacking is concerned, I know it’s hard when something’s right there in front of you, but maybe try this: Before you reach for a candy bar, drink a full glass of water and have a yogurt or a piece of fruit and wait 15 minutes. Chances are, you won’t still be hungry. Another thing you could do is: every time you want a bag of chips but resist it, reward yourself with $1. Every time you work out or lose a lb., do the same. Put it in a jar and when you reach your goal, treat yourself to a non-food reward like a new outfit or a massage or pedicure.

Hope some of these ideas might help. Best of luck to you! I know how hard it can be, but we can do it! We *have* to do it!
I was experiencing the same thing this year. I decided I needed to do something about it and just 2 weeks ago, recommitted to getting my workouts in. I get up between 4 and 4:30 to get them in before work. If I say I'm going to work out after work it won't happen. Mornings are my only consistent time so I am trying to make it a point to get up. I want to work out at least 5 days a week, so I shoot for 6 because I know something will derail one of the days. (a bad night sleep, a late night at work etc). As for eating, I am trying to remind myself, Food for fuel. If it is not going to fuel me, I'm trying to stay away from it. I know I'm only 2 weeks into this, but I'm hoping to make it a habit again.

You can do it too. Good luck.

You are tired from eating that kind of food. Can you get yourself to walk for just 20 min.? Even a little bit of exercise will help your body start to process both the stress and the food.

Also, it seems like you need to set some limits. Everybody needs exercise. It doesn't have to be all out HIIT workouts, but without moving fluids build up and create a toxic environment in your own body, creating that feeling of exhaustion.

I highly recommend the podcast "The Reasonable Diet". I started with that one in 2007. At the time I was injured (broken foot in three places.) out of work, and 258 pounds. Sandra helped me set small goals that were 'reasonable' and also helped me see that 'pointing in the right direction' was even more important than the end goal. At that starting weight I didn't see an end at all, I didn't even see a beginning. I think that you are starting way ahead! You only have 7 pounds to work on! Thats great, because you didn't have to get as sick as I was, its a lot easier to start at 7 pounds over weight than 127! High 5s for catching yourself so early.

Btw, I didn't buy Sandra's service, I just did it with Spark people and the free podcasts and Cathe.

The top things that have produced weight loss on my body are:
1. Setting a reasonable diet- what I mean is I do not eat anything that always produces a weight gain. For me that is anything with the words 'do' and 'nut' in them.
2. Counting calories/Food journal
3. Yoga This can be free and doesn't have to take a long time. 15-20 min. helps with stress.
4. Exercise at least every other day, even if its just for 15 minutes.
5. My heart rate monitor gives me feed back on my heart rate and calorie burn, it gives me incentive to push a little harder so I can eat something like a brownie or a cookie (in my case gluten free but thats another story.)

I hope this helps. Let us know how it goes,


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