I'm having a....

Mandy Lee

Active Member
BOY! I just had my ultrasound today. It was so obvious that it was a baby boy. I'm really happy since my boy's are 7 and 9. My girls are 10,5 year old twins and 2 1/2. It will be fun to have a little boy running my life:)) I can also be like Cathe:))!!
They moved my due date up to July 2nd so now I know why am feeling so big! Everything is healthy and I'm thrilled! Just had to share:))
THANKS for sharing your news!!

Mandy, that is wonderful news! I am so glad your little guy was cooperative so you could discern his gender! So you'll have three boys and four girls. Hmmmmmm. . . Maybe you need just ONE more boy to even it out??. . .

Gotta love those June/July babies, I've got two of 'em myself. -susan p
Great news!!

How exciting Mandy! What do your kids think about having a new baby brother? Glad everything is going well! Take care!
Great news, Mandy!

How exciting that you're going to have another boy! My oldest is a July baby, too (July 4). OK, maybe not a baby anymore since he's 16, but you know what I mean!

Keep us posted on how things are going!

#7!!! Oh my goodness. CONGRATULATIONS Mandy. How exciting. I was going to suggest you get a few tips from Cathe, but I think you could give HER a few!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful news!!

On your new little squirter! Little boys have a very special place in my heart - our grandson is going to be 2 years old in March and he's a charmer!

Take care,
That's great!

My younger 2 are boys, and they can be such fun! Then again, my 2 girls are pretty wonderful too. They're all such blessings! Congratulations! Get stocked up on little trains, trucks, and dinosaurs! ( Not TOO little, of course!
) Otherwise he's liable to heist them from his big brothers!
I'm so glad to hear that he's healthy and you're both doing so well!

twin mom question

Congratulations on the news! I am almost 11 weeks along with twins and was hoping I could ask you a few questions about your twin pregnancy. Did you exercise during it and if so how often and what kind of workouts? Also, how did you feel during your twin pregnancy compared to the singletons? (more tired, more nauseous?..) How was your delivery and how far along. Thanks for answering if you don't mind, I'm just curious about all these things right now being my first pregnancy!!
twin pregnancy

Hi! Hope you don't mind me answering a question directed to Mandy. I have five year old twins and a nine year old singleton. My pregnancies were actually very similar in terms of fatigue and nausea - although I think they started earlier in the twin pregnancy. I didn't exercise during my twin pregnancy, but I went to an EXTREMELY conservative high-risk ob and that is why. My twin pregnancy was very normal, although I know a lot of people who have had a very rough time with their twin pregnancies. I delivered at 35 and a half weeks - I had placenta previa and needed an emergency C-Section. I had no preterm labor at all, but I did take it very easy throughout my pregnancy.
Wishing you lots of luck! Enjoy the pregnancy! Twins are so much fun!!
twin preg.

Hope you do not mind me adding my 2 cents...I have 2 year old twins and an 8 year old...My first preg. I can honestly say I never felt better!!!I was never sick,was only tired at the beginning and delivered 2 weeks post my due date. As for my twins I think I started getting sick the night of conception...I had an upset stomach every day, was tired and very uncomfortable.(That could be because I am only five feet tall I was surprized what could fit in such a small area).I worked a full time job an hour away from my home and I was also an aerobic instructor every night...I kept this up until my 38th week.Let's just say my power step was at a min. and I was coaching the last 2-3 weeks.So not every person is the same or is any preg. the same...But think of the wonderful gifts you are going to recieve.I was lucky to be able to carry the twins and quote never became "High risk". Listen to your body, your doctor and if you have younger children...listen to them.They give the most honest answers to any question you may ask. Best wishes.
So happy for you!!

Hi Mandy Lee! Congratulations! Wow, thats soooo exciting. You obviously have much more experience than I do but for what little I have, all I can say is LITTLE BOYS JUST LOVE THEIR MOMMIES! A big huge hug to you and your family. I'm very, very, happy for you!
Little boys

Congratulations, Mandy! That's wonderful. I'm having a little boy too, and though I wanted a girl really badly in the beginning, now I'm so happy about having a boy.

Best of luck to you and your family. Hope the little guy is doing well and that you are feeling lots better!!

Twin pregnancy

Since I was pregnant with identical twins(only one placenta), the nursemidwife said it was high risk so I didn't exercise during the pregnancy. I was very very nauseated. More than my other pregnancies(which is pretty bad too!). I had to lay on the couch all day and just try and get my mind off the sickness. My water broke at 36 weeks and it was a strange labor. Nothing happened for a whole day and then boom! At 11pm at night, my contractions were so fast and close together. I barely made it to the hospital and my first twin was born at 1AM and the 2nd at 1:20AM. I birthed in a jacuzzi and they barely had time to put in an IV in case I needed a C section but I delivered the twins naturally. They were small(5.5 and 5.13)and easy to push out compared to my last baby boy who was 9.5lbs! I didn't even have to have any perineum stitches compared to the 22 I had with my last boy! So Things were very different with twins. After they were born, it was hard to juggle them around to nurse but I found the football position the most comfortable with a horseshoe nursing pillow(it goes around your stomach and sides). I also found that nursing them both at the same time was easiest. It kept them on the same schedule. That was very important. Also having 2 automatic swings was a lifesaver!! Now that my twins are both 5, they are always together and playing together and taking care of eachother. It is so much easier than just one child. Twins are a lot of work but they are also such a joy!

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