I'm glad no one's watching when...

Ditto on the tuck jumps, Kathryn! I stink at them! I just do airborne jumps instead, but I use the term "airborne" very loosely here. I have a very difficult time doing anything that involves going vertical - I apparently have a greater gravitational force than most people. x(

Plie jacks are another one where I look ridiculous - I get very little height and I sure as heck can't click my heels together! I'm telling you, Cathe and her crew are not of this planet... ;)
Unforunately, I have an audience often :( And he doesn't hesitate to tell me that I DO NOT look anything like Cathe and crew x( . I can't say too much, though, as when he joins me, I can't do anything but fall over laughing. I wish you could see his rendition of mambos and cha-chas!! Hehehehehe .

The worst are definitely tuck jumps and airborne jumps! Wow. Even when I AM alone, I am embarrassed by how ridiculous I must look!! However, I will only do FIRM workouts (when I do them) alone!! Kathryn, I think I envy that you live alone :|.

>What about the jumping jacks in Kick Max, where you have to
>go front, back, middle. I'm know I look like an idiot trying
>to keep up with Cathe.

LOL....LOL...I am with you all the way on the jacks in KM. I KNOW I look just like the little kids dancing on "Wonderama", not knowing which way to go. My coordination is usually on the $$$, but when it comes to those jacks I have to modify and do regular jacks.

This thread is hilarious.


Gosh, I think I have you all beat in the "glad no one's watching" department. Not only do I look ridiculous when trying to perform any of the cardio moves mentioned here, but I am also utterly graceless when trying to sit up or lie down on the bench with a barbell in my hands! It's particularly bad when sitting back up after completing a set, because my muscles are fatigued and therefore unreliable. :p I have to kind of kick my legs and heave myself up, while Cathe & crew look poised and completely in control!
Spazmaster at attempting pikes on stability ball...

Kill myself laughing trying to do those dumb-ass "corkscrews" even with my hands knuckling the coffee table!

But my abs look good...
I think the move that I feel like a total dork is the "tap dance." I just cannot get my feet to move fast enough to do that. And my kids made fun of me when I first tried SJP and I was doing "the running man."
I think the move that I feel like a total dork is the "tap

Thank You!!

I just thought of this thread today when I was doing those!:+

I also hate it when my family watches me doing Sumo Squats. I just look icky.

I have another one....straddle taps in IMAX 2....I saw my reflection in my 60" widescreen television....I'm glad the house is 600 feet off the street at the end of a dirt road!!! I know my dogs were laughing at me! (Yeah, Mom, that looks cool....NOT!)

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
I think this is an hysterical thread. I'm glad no one is watching when I do any hi-lo. I think I look like I am having a seizure of some sorts. And I agree with poster about the triples with turns. Particularly in SB. I can't ever get those right! I'm glad other folks feel silly. I thought I was the only one!
Hahaha! I KNOW I look stupid doing those side things that are in the last interval in IMAX. Can't remember what they are called but I have a heck of a time doing them - Oh, and those "hitch" kicks!!


Gypsygirl >^..^<
I have the worst kickboxing form ever. I've always known that, but I was horrified when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and realized I looked like I was disco dancing! Now I just start laughing every time I do kickboxing because I know how I look. :D
Ha ha! This is a fun thread. The "running man" ? I have SJP Tivo'd, so maybe that's not on FitTV's version! Thank goodness!

I have several:

The consecutive kicks (28 of them) in bootcamp
Plie Jacks in Imax 3
Speed bag arms (BC and I think KM?) LOL! I hate to even look in the mirror!:7

There's probably more, but can't think of them right now.

Oh, that ball change. What is that all about? I think I'll have to watch it in slow motion. It can't be that hard, right? ha ha

I look like a total dork trying to do hi/lo, especially the up and over, up and back. Flying angels and I do not get along well either. And the shaking, quaking mess that's left of me at the end of a long plank or pike segment is something no one should ever have to witness.

Almost forgot - that jump forward the length of the board, sideways the width of the board, turn, tuck jump, ricochet and jack combo in IMAX 3. . . I have a hard time because I'm laughing just thinking how ridiculous I look. Well, I have a hard time with that one anyway, but the laughing makes it worse!:p


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