I'm free to do what I want any ol' tii-i-me!......


<--was awoken by barking dog (mine) x( x( x(
<--thought <--would get online and check up on the forum happenin's
<--can, hopefully, fall back asleep soon
<--doesn't really mind these interrupted sleeps when on vacay, but could never deal when work starts again
<--did nrolw and sjp step and hi/lo premix yesterday
<--kinda feels a summer cold coming on and not sure what w/o will be done today
<--is thinking eoin would be nice
<--yells, "IT'S FRIED-DAY!!! YAY FOR FRIED-DAY!!!"
<--hopes wt enjoys today's song ;)
<--waves to WT and the OAL crew
<--admits the lyrics definitely caught <--'s attention as that is <--'s school closing anthem (school ended yesterday)
<--has been terrible about getting to the thread
<--says that end of the school year has been hectic, so <-- hasn't even had time to lurk and see what's going on with everybody
<--hopes Lorie is able to fall asleep again & can knock out that cold

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
<--skimmed yesterday's thread quickly to be semi-caught up
<--LOATHES that crybaby Ronaldo even if he is a pretty boy
<--wants a purple TEAM AMY shirt
<--hopes the new meds help
<--enjoys the word "kerfluffle"
<--thinks our other Amy has had her hands full
<--hopes ^^^'s persistent headache goes away
<--is now drawing a blank about everything else <-- read

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
<--- waves to Lorie and Cathy and all who follow
<--- 's SO is away so had a restless, weird sleep last night
<--- will have to work out later
<--- is glad Cathy's school year finished
<--- wonders if Lorie got back to sleep
<--- has to get a move on
<--waves Good Morning Everybody!!!
<--had fun at tennis yesterday, but is rather 'rusty'x(
<--has to teach a professional development class all day today:(
<--read last night's thread and understand AmyG's feelings about drugs
<--hates the fact that <--am now 'drug dependent';(
<--hopes everyone has a great day!!!
<--feels blessed everyday <--wake up on this side of the grass:7
<--later gators!!
<--waves good morning
<--was a bit confused when <--opened this thread
<--didn't expect it to be the OAL thread as <--didn't see the <--in the title
<--hopes Lorie went back to sleep
<--will join Shelley in the weird restless sleep
<--is glad Cathy's school year is over
<--is happy to see Elaineee again
<--is :eek: over the high school girls with a pact to get pregnant
<--is ascared of what this world is coming to :(

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--waves good morning to all
<--was also confused to not see the <--in the title
<--loves today's song:)
<--is also happy to see elanee agian
<--is sipping java and sorting bills
<--has a workout planned,just not sure what yet?
<--may do a circuit?
<--will be walking the dog in a bit
<--Agree's with Catherine about the highschool girls...:eek::eek:
<--saw a little boy around 7/8 riding a adult size four wheeler the other day
<--Immediately looked for his parents but they weren't outside:eek::eek:
<--wants to kick his parents in the butt:-(
<--thinks its sad:-(
<--waves to all the loverlies and skips out of thread;-)
<--stops in to say a quick hello
<--is finding it hard to keep up with this thread
<--is thrilled to see elainee!
<--confirms that she is a true believer in better living through chemistry
<--is lol at the Team Amy shirts
<--signs up for one
<--is glad the school year is almost over for Cathy
<--wonders if Catherine received her athleta clothes yet?
<--received hers yesterday
<--says the pants were beautiful, but <-- is still trying to forget the horrible image of them on <--'s body :eek: :eek:
<--says they put <--'s figure flaws on display in a way <-- has never quite seen before and never wants to see again! x(
<--has clients from hell coming in this morning and needs a serious refill
<-- waves good morning to all
<-- joins the not so great sleep club
<-- now knows that onion rings no longer agree with <-- x(
<-- thinks that as <-- gets older <-- body craves healthier foods
<-- knows that a good thing ;)
<-- only 5 more sleeps until vacation!!!!
<-- happily reports that STS pre-order is still an order and NOT a cancel :D
<-- wonders what Lorie's dog was barking at
<-- hopes ^ gets a nap later today
<-- joins Cathy's busy, no time for even lurking club
<-- hopes we both find more forum playtime soon
<-- thinks a Constanza nap is a great idea for Shelley :p
<-- wishes Elainee lots of luck for PD
<-- waves to Catherine
<-- hopes Amelia enjoys her circuit workout of choice today
<-- actually worked out yesterday :eek:
<-- did Turbo Jam fat blaster and had fun, but it was no Cathe w/o ;)
<-- is boss-less today so <-- will bbl :+
<--clicks mugs with Amelia
<--hates to see young kids riding 4-wheelers that were made for adults
<--could rant about all the risks all day long
<--is glad Cathy is enjoying being lazy
<--glad to hear Connie's pre-order is still standing
<--tells FN <--has not received clothes yet
<-should get them today and is now a bit worried if they show flaws x(

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--apologises profusely for forgetting to put the <-- in the thread title!
<--must have been on account of sleep deprivation!!!
<--was able to fall back asleep and is hap-hap-happy about that
<--read about preggo pact and thinks these girls have NO idea what they are in for
<--read that one got pg by a 24 y.o. homeless man! :eek: :eek: :eek:
<--DEFINITELY votes for a purple team amy shirt
<--thinks all the rt oal'ers should get one to wear one day during the rt
<--says jodi made the atlanta cathe shirts and could help with these
<--yells, "come on, team amy, go, go, go!"
<--waves to elaineee and <--hasn't seen her in AGES!
<--is a true believer in better living through chemistry
<--as a psychologist, has seen enough studies of fmri's on brains and the damage that can be done when things are left untreated (see Sheline, Y. Gado, M., Kraemer, H., 2003. Untreated depression and hippocampal volume loss. American Jornal of Psychiatry, 160:1516-1518.

Eriksson, P. S., E. Perfilieva, T. Bjork-Eriksson, A. M. Alborn, C. Nordberg, D. A. Peterson and F. H. Gage. 1998. Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus. Nature Medicine 4:1313-1317.

Gould, E., A. Beylin, P. Tanapat, A. Reeves and T. J. Shors. 1999. Learning enhances adult neurogenesis in the hippocampal formation. Nature Neuroscience 2: 260-265.

Gould, E., A. J. Reeves, M. S. A. Graziano and C. G. Gross. 1999. Neurogenesis in the neocortex of adult primates. Science 286: 54-552.

Jacobs, B. L. 1994. Serotonin, motor activity and depression-related disorders. American Scientist 82: 456-463.

N.A. 2000. Depression and the birth and death of brain cells. American Scientist, July-August.

<--apologises, but neuropsychology is one of <--'s interest areas and <--thinks that neurogenesis is one of the GREATEST discoveries of all time!!!
<--really is a research geek!
<---waves good morning and HAPPY FRIDAY to all :D
<---is back from <---'s class in Schaumburg
<---really enjoyed it and learned a lot
<---is glad to be back though
<---missed you all
<---wonders if <--- missed any interesting news or drama on the forums
<---is sending anti-cold vibes to Lorie
<---understands Cathy's difficulty finding time to post here
<---has trouble too when things are really busy
<---is sorry Shelley had a restless night
<---is :eek: about high school girls making a pact to get pregnant
<---was also confused by the lack of <--- in the thread title ;)
<---agrees with Amelia that a 7 year old should NOT be riding a four wheeler!
<---doesn't think MOST people of any age should be riding four wheelers - they are SO dangerous!
<---hopes Connie enjoys her bossless day
<---is also bossless today :D
<---tells Nancy and Catherine to SHUSH... you guys soooo do NOT have any figure flaws :p
<---loves the Team Amy shirt in purple! :D
<---is off to browse the forums and see what <--- missed over the last 3 days... bbl!
<--runs into thread yelling the oh so original, "TGIF!!!"
<--is looking forward to a busy weekend: meeting my friends’ brand new baby boy tonight, going to the Vegetarian Festival tomorrow, and seeing The National Sunday night!!!
<--tells Lorie to rest and not let the summer cold get the best of her
<--thanks to Cathy, <--plans to use the word “kerfluflle” at least three times today!
<--is sorry Shelley did not get a good night sleep.
<--will slip her the key to the “nap room” for some shut-eye.
<--gives elaineee an oil can to take care of her "rusty" tennis
<--agree's with Catherine about these kids and their babies.
<-- made own “preggo pact” years ago and that was to never become “preggo;” so far, so good!
<--joins Amelia in butt-kicking slack parents!
<--hopes Connie enjoys her boss-less Friday!!!
<--scolds Nancy for thinking her bod is anything but FABulous and is sure her new duds look wonderful on her!
<--has finished reprimanding Nancy and allows her to go get much deserved coffee now.
<--tells Emily that she is glad she’s back and even smarter than before!!!!
<--off to do job....how novel
<---crawls in and says she is in "AF" H-E-double hockey sticks
<---wishes she could curl up with a heating pad, but no such luck here at work
<---will be back later to attempt personals
<-- just woke DH up
<-- was ROTFLMAO over the shirt
<-- think <-- almost barked or something! :eek:
<-- was very glad there was no liquid involved
<-- is terribly sorry Nance didn't like the clothes
<-- thinks it's more the clothes didn't like Nance
<-- yells to Connie "gee, thanks, now <-- must have onion rings"
<-- had a bit of a run this morning with the bootcampers
<-- thinks the bootcampers need to be on the team, too, kinda
<-- knows they'll be in the yellow shirts <-- has to wear as a uniform
<-- doesn't think they get to be on the team unless they know there is a team
<-- wonders if Lorie would explain to DH how the drugs work or something because he is uber confused over them
<-- don't really care so much how as whether or not they do work
<-- thinks the same of insulin! :)
<-- will be over hot today
<-- thinks <-- may spend much of the day at the library?
<-- will have to see
<-- gives a shout out to Cathy too
<-- waves to everyone else
<-- happy dances into thread
<-- is having fun running amok on forums at work :+
<-- has a nosey timeshare board president lurking around today but <-- isn't going to let him bother <-- ;)
<-- hopes Nancy's meeting with challenging clients goes quickly
<-- thinks waiting for deliveries is fun
<-- wonders if Catherine does too?
<-- is super glad to hear that Lorie was able to go back to sleep
<-- is also completely jealous :p
<-- has forgotten to put in big YES vote for purple Team Amy shirts
<-- didn't know Lorie was a psychologist
<-- wants Lorie to know that <-- feels comforted and relieved by the bits and pieces in OAL thread about better living through chemistry
<-- is actually considering talking to doc about anti-depressants soon
<-- is excited about Teresa's fun weekend plans
<-- waves to blurry Robin
<-- waves magic painbegone wand at Liann
<-- is getting very hungry
<-- is glad <-- goes to lunch in 15 minutes :9
<-- bbl
<--is stopping in to let Catherine know that the pants may work great for her if she doesn't have muffintop "issues"
<--loves the help at athleta and wrote them an email asking for recommendations :)
<--would be happy to try whatever they suggest
<--thanks tete and evily for the compliments and actually admits that <-- doesn't have much to complain about, but whatever there is came to light in those pants! :eek:
<--loves the Team Amy t-shirt!
<--is very impressed with Lorie's knowledge
<--joins Liann in having a crampy day
<--must get back to work

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