Hey Robin!! How have you been ? Did you ever make it to the RT yet?
Sandra! OMG
Lovely to see you! How are the babies? Are you still kicking ass and taking names with those workouts? Is your new house all homey now?
Lets see....stuff:
Still happily married and working from home. My minuature schnauzers still rule the roost, only now they have 2 roosts to rule because we bought a beach house about a month ago! Its been fabulous and we are there thurs-mon. so it feels like we get to escape from work. I LOVE IT. Still a shopaholic, constant cooker and book fanatic. In fact, not much has changed unless you count my lack of muscle and endurance.
I had some surgeries and then injuries this year, so it really knocked me off the workout wagon. Still as big a lush as ever
so im going to have to admit that clean eating is a distant, foggy memory. I hear some people poach eggs in red wine, so my plan is to do that, cut the whites off and eat them....sort of ease back in
I want to know whats going on with all of YOU. What did i miss? Tons, i feel certain.
Namita, i remember meeting you! How have you been, aside from sweet as pie??
Tammy, glad all your boys are doing so well and good luck on the new job! Thanks for remembering my brother ladies!!