I'm A Shoe Tester - AGAIN!


Hey, guys! Earlier this year I was selected to test out a new cross-trainer being developed by a seriously major athletic footwear company, and I faithfully did my workouts and logged them in and faxed my logs and my comments back to The Company and then at the end sent a totally grody, sweaty pair of shoes back to them to dissect.

Well, what should land on my doorstep last night but a brand NEW pair of cross-trainers in development, with another box and log sheet and what-have-you. They must've liked how I did it before.

How cool is that?! These shoes will probably retail for a small fortune, and it's an added incentive for yours-truly to not give in to The January Blow-Off Syndrome given that I could never fudge my numbers (they expect a certain number of workout hours logged in).

Santa Landed On Her Doorstep
RE: Hey, Gettingfit -

I am a regular habitue' of another cyber-forum for fitness workers (instructors, trainers, coordinators, etc.), and this shoe company contacted the owners/moderators of this forum and asked if it would do a little recruitment post on it's site. I responded to it by e-mail, and had to answer a lot of questions about age, exercise modes and frequencies and the like, AND I had to be within a certain shoe size (5-7). They must've liked the cut of my jib because they sent me The Box and all its happy contents.

The funny part was, after I faxed and mailed my final log / comment sheet and sent the shoes back, I didn't hear a peep from them. That was in August. And now this.

The world of commerce operates in funny ways.


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