I'm 38 and just diagnosed w/osteopenia..?


Help! I am 5'2" 103lbs and work out 6 days/week (using rotations of all of Cathe's DVD's or her treadmill routine). I have been working like most of you for over 20 years and today my doctor suggests I get treatment for osteopenia (pre-cursor to osteoporosis) with injections . He also suggests more weight bearing exercises? I rotate MuscleMax, Muscle Endurance, BootCamp etc...? What do you Cathe exercisers recommend to build my bones? The greatest risk of fracture for me is in both of my femur bones. Thank you all for any advice! :)
Hi Karen, I have no advice for you, but as a medical transcriptionist I have NEVER typed a note on a patient where the doc recommended any type of shot for osteopenia. My mother has osteopenia and her doc just recommended weightbearing exercise and extra calcium per day.

I am so sorry to hear this, but good news is they got a lot of different drugs out there that can help you may also want to talk to him about the nose spray micacalin. It's once a day and you spray it up your nose and it will help with your bones as well. Not as drastic as the injections, but can be cheaper of your insurance won't pay for the injections.

I would do a full rotation of the work outs you have. As well as increase your calcium intake. I have osteoporosis as of now, due to some nasty medications who robbed my bones of that precious element.

But another thing to realize, you will need to do a longer set of reps then Cathe so you may need to go down in weight a little and modify your favorite Cathe workout.

The one I like to use to build bone is S&H series. This is because it's slow enough I can do double the reps and follow Cathe at the same time. But also trade off do double the reps that Cathe does, but a bit slower, you should have a 2 count concentric motion and a 2-4 count eccentric motion. For example a bicep curl, should be 2 counts up, and 4 counts down. And do 20 per set, work up to this level or go down in weight to meet this.

Also just a technical note, osteopenia, means your bone eaters are working well, they are eating bone like normal but the little guy who comes right along behind the bone eater isn't replacing the bone with good calcium but very weak and soft calcium. Threw are whole entire life, our bones are replaced constantly so your diet is very important right now, and make sure you get a good source of vitamin D, and some sun shine as that's the only way D, gets active. And then up the reps to your weight workouts, as your body needs to keep doing the exercise longer to be able to absorb the calcium more.

Hope that helps,

Littlek, sorry to hear your news. It confuses me when I hear healthy women who do workout and strength train and still end up with diagnoses similiar to yours. I've heard that short women with low weights are canidates for osteoporosis. I'm only 5" and I would still like to lose about 10lbs. Did you go see your regular doctor or a speacialist? I'm not sure where I need to go get a check-up like this.

I was wondering if you or Kit could recommend a good calcium product. I use to take one, but it seemed so confusing when and how and with what to make the product effective. I ended up just giving up. I would like to start up gain any suggestions.

Hi Karen!

I know exactly how you feel!! I'm petite as well and have been working out religiously for the past 20 years. I was diagnosed with Osteopenia two years ago and I nearly FELL ON THE FLOOR when the doctor gave me my results. I could not believe after all the cardio and weight training I've done that I ended up with this. My doctor suggested my upping my calcium and I take Fosomax once per week. I'm due for another bone density scan to see if I've improved. I am Caucasian, fair skinned, small boned, and have always kept my weight and body fat as low as possible. This however, does put us at extra risk for Osteopenia. I started running to add additional weight bearing exercise. I'm not a doctor, but I would suggest that you add calcium as well as Vitamin D to help with absorption of Calcium, and talk to your doctor about Fosomax or Actonel to help out. I use a Calcium supplement (bought at Walgreens) that is 500 mg with Magnesium and Vitamin D. I take 2 per day, as well as adding soy yogurt and lactaid milk for protein shakes. I cannot tolerate dairy. Of course, consult your doctor about any treatment plans.
Good luck!!! It's such a shock, isnt' it?? :)
Wow--I'm blown away. I always thought that doing a lot of weight lifting, with a reasonable diet, would be enough. However, I've read that BC like Depo can reduce calcium and magnesium levels, increasing the risk for osteoporosis.

Does anyone take Viactin?

Best wishes,
Dear Kit, lisaannjam,and Namita,

Thank you all for your caring replies. Kit, I can't thank you enough for the explanation for performing Cathe's S&H series workouts. Of course this is one DVD I do not have but will be ordering today:). It was comforting to know that I have not yet developed Osteoporosis however, the recommendations of the new medication given in IM form may actually build bone to pre-osteopenic levels? I have not been to my GYN yet but, will let you know of any new information I discover.

This was my very first post on Cathe's website (although I read all of the message boards daily) and I am in awe of the dedication, kindness and care that all of you share with each other. I feel blessed to be in the Cathe family.

Take care,
Hi Karen,

At 42 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I've been on actonel for 1 1/2 years and by last bone density scan showed I have improved to osetopenia. My twin sister also has osteoporosis. She went to a kidney specialist who found that her kidneys were secreting too much calcium. She's on a diuretic now which helps retain the calcium. I don't have that problem. The doctor thinks I just had a very poor diet growing up (which I did) I run,ellipitcal,step and Cathe weight videos. I've been trying to increase the amount of weight I'm lifting because I think that will help. I've also increased by calcium (cheese, milk, calcium supplements)
I've never heard of getting a shot.

Take care!
Karen, we really do care. Please let us know how you make out. The injections are probably just a different vehicle to dispense the meds we are taking to build our bones. We'll get there!!!:) At least we are lucky to found out at our young ages. I'm 40.
Jump training (plyometrics) is also recommended to help increase bone density. It's recommended to start with small jumps (they don't have to be the big jumps like in Cathe's Kick Max, for example), just a few inches off the ground. Work up to increasing reps and adding weight to them (a weighted belt or vest). For more info, I'd search "osteoporosis jumping" on the web, or "osteoporosis prevention" or "bone density jump."

Also, in addtion to calcium and vitamin D, there are a lot of minerals like boron and vitamin K, that go into creating bone. Those are found in leafy greens like kale, which should be a part of your diet.

I was diagnosed with osteopenia four years ago (doctor never said "osteopenia," but the Dexa scan numbers are in that range. The doc just said to take more calcium (not too competent, huh? I'm going to a different one now). I had another scan last year, and my numbers are better, still in the negative, but not as much. I made sure to do heavy weight work (like P90X) and to add some impact to my workouts, and to get a variety of calcium sources--I vary my supplements, as they each contain different combos of calcium and other stuff.

I never got any scans before 4 years ago, so have no idea what my bone density has been throughout, but I imagine that my diet during my formative bone-growing years (colas and chips whenever I could get them!) and inactive lifestyle up until I was around 30 contributed to not building a strong bone structure.
Hi Karen! My doctor prescribed I take Actonel one pill 1x a week. I've been taking it for one year now & my femur has now completely reversed. I've had the most dramatic result. Still need to take Actonel for another 2 years to fully reverse the hips. I'm maintaining there. You need to change up your routine. You really need to incorporate split routines lifting as heavy as you can: chest/back/abs, legs/abs, shoulders/bis/tris/abs & insert 1-2x a week of IMAXs or Kick Max. You need to jump at least 1-2x a week for bone density. HTH, Kathy:D

PS: If you take Actonel, you won't need to take any other supplements. Its all taken care of in this one little pill.
Hi Karen and Namita(yours is below Karen's)


Yes the medicine given IM is one of the strongest, a lot time given to cancer patients, and it will make your body put more good calcium back into the bone, and if you take it long enough, with the right diet and exercise you can make your bones pre-osteopenia dense. I would have gave anything to get this stuff about 5 years ago, but at the time you had to have cancer to get your insurance to pay for it. And I couldn’t afford the injects on my own. So they went with the nose spray which is the next in line, the pills once a week is the first or beginning step, above diet. So your doctor thinks this is pretty serious, do take the IM, and check into the other methods for the over all use, and to keep your bones absorbing more, The IM is the fastest and strongest of all treatments. And do up your diet naturally with more calcium as a lot of green leafy stuff has quite a bit in it, so you don’t have a lot of calories, but milk is the best.

All the treatments, turn on the bodies processes, for calcium input, so when you drink/eat calicum, you get a much higher absorbion rate that you naturally would. Each type of treatment dictates how high of absorbion.

Also you haven't been on prednisone or anything like that, have you or had more then one child? Both draw out calicum like a leech.

Also anyone who is worried about bone loss, get a Dexa scan any doctor can order this, and get results. It's a very simple test; you lie on a bed, and let this big bar, slide back and forth above your body. Takes about 20 minutes. And I just had mine done Tuesday. I seriously recommend this test for anyone who didn't get very good calcium during the teen years, or anytime in their life. Or has had more then one child (females only on that part). This test will tell your bones are at this level. And with diet and exercise you can improve them, it's slow without the meds but very do able.


As for calcium products the one that has been recommended serval times by quite a few different doctors is OScal with vitamin D. And get some sun light 30 minutes a day, to activate the vitamin D. But diet is very very important as all pill, OTC or percription, get half eaten by your stomach acid, before it passes to the digestive track, this means if you too 500 mg, your body only has 250 mg available, and usually you can’t absorb all of the 250mg before you pass it to the small intestine, and then anything left gets toss out. So really up your diet with calcium, it’s the best way to get the most absorbiton rate of calcium. Or any vitamin or mineral for that matter. Or your body only will get a very small amount of the calcium. Also if your worry, check with your doctor, they may put you on the pill once a week which makes your bones absorb calcium fast and better. There are a ton of names for it, but they all do the same thing. Only catch with the pill is your can’t lay back down after you take it (not for 2 hours after taken), and you need to drink at least 8 oz of cool/cold water with it, within the hour you first take it.

This is really becoming an epidemic, I see 8 year olds who already have osteopenia. But don't fool yourself and push your doctor for this test if you’re worried at all. You can use this test to prevent osteoporosis. And trust me, you don't want to pick up a 20 lb bag of books one day and compress your spine like I did. That's how I found out that my workouts weren't enough compared to what the medicine was doing. I had just turned 25 at the time, so it's never too early to prevent, pain for life. For if you get bad osteoporosis, you will have pain, more then likely you won't be able to do Cathe for quite a while, as you'll be turned into a china doll, fall and you'll break something in more then one place. As I found that out, I was put on fossilemax, slipped on the ice that was in the parking lot, and broke every rib in my rib cage in at least one place. And I landed on my butt, I didn't go down on my back, but it was like a chain reaction. That day they switched me to the nose spray, which really helped the bone scan that I had six months later showed a huge improvement.


Sorry to hear about your situation. All ladies posts here are very encouraging. Hopefully you will see your improvement after treatments and right exercises.

I did not realize that there are so many women have this osteopenia. I am afraid I am going to get it or I am already have it. I am pettie, 5'3", 135lbs. And I don't like dairy, not even icecream. I am very active in my life. But a few years ago, I started to feel my knees discomfort when I ran. After I started with Cathe's workout this Mar., I felt knee pains every time I did squat or lunges. Do you think this is the symptom of osterpenia? What prompted you to go to see doctor and have your bone scan? What do I need to say to my doctor in order to get the scan. I have HMO, they have very restrict rules for this kind of test.


Hi Karen,
I'm 24, 4'11 and about 100, and I also have osteopenia. Before I scare anyone, I have health issues and have taken steroids for over 10 years, so that is the reason for my bone loss.

You have received some great advice. I also take Actonel once a week. I was also told to take Calcium CITRATE, not just regular Calcium twice a day. My only form of cardio is running, though I took that up cuz I wanted to, not to help my bones :)

I agree with the suggestions of pylos and high impact along with weight bearing exercises.
Best of luck to you,
Part of the culprit is as we get older, our estrogen supply is lower. Osteopenia is a precursor to Osteoporosis. Mine also improved this year from my baseline the previous year but I was told to take my calcium and have been doing so religiously. I was also told that it's not the weight bearing exercise as much as walking that improves this condition. Mine was not severe enough to start on medication and hopefully I can reverse it!

Just simply ask your doctor to do a bone scan, tell him your dislike of dariy, and you feel it's time to get it check to make sure your neglecting your bones.

Knee pain can have a million and 1 different reasons it happens, so it could be, but the fact is no one is going to really know. Unless you do a whole lot of tests and they still may never know.

Our bones are a living tissue, that gets broken down and replaces constantly. So if we start to not have calicum in our diet, then when our bones are replaced, they are weak, as there isn't enough calicum to go around. Think of 30 very hungry kids and tossing 1 pizza in the middle of all of them. Some kids will get bigger piece some kids won't get any. This is what happens when you don't have enough calicum, so it can actually leave a hole in your bone, or just very very weak bone. Both make it very bad if you fall. Think fine china or crystal. If your worried get check, it's an hour out of your time and you'll know for sure. And if there is a problem it's better to fix it now, then to wait, as the bones will just get weaker and weaker.


Thanks for your suggestion and information. I am going to talk with my primary doctor to ask for bone scan.

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for the encouraging news regarding the benefits you have received after taking Actonel...that is awesome! Ever since my post, although I won't be able to see my GYN for another 3 weeks, I have been drinking soymilk daily and have rotated the KickMax Bootcamp, IMAX2 and Legs & Glutes...I have not received my Slow and Heavy series yet. I have been taking a natural supplement of Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc for almost 15 years. As a matter of fact, my Internist who ordered the Dexa Scan said if I hadn't been exercising for 20 years to tapes like Cathe's my readings could have been almost 50% worse?

I look forward to starting treatment but in the meantime will heed your advice with heavy lifting and plyometric exercises daily!

Thank you and all of the wonderful women who have taken the time to share their personal stories and words of wisdom. YOU ARE ALL THE BEST!!
:) :D
Hi WantFit,

A Bone Scan is very expensive and primarily scans the body for tumors and the like.

You want to ask your physician to order a Dexa Scan to measure your bone density.

Good Luck!:) :)

Karen is right you want a dexa scan, it's the proper name for it anyway. I must have switch terms, when I was interrupted by a couple doctors who needed to talk to me. Sorry about that. I was talking about the Dexa scan to you in the post above, but lost thought, also a lot of doctors consider bone scan and dexa scan to be interchangable terms. As they use bone topgraphy as the term for the one that scans for tumors and structural problems. So try the word dexa scan, and if you get a blank look use bone scan, one of the two words should ring a bell, but I'm sure when you start talking about how you want to see if your bones are dense enough, they'll already know what you want. As it seems like diferent doctors this means more to then others, as well. But I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, and hope your bones are a level 6 or better. Level 6, is good solid healthy bone, and means you doing everything right, and have no worries for at least a for a few more years. Anything above that is even better, like level 5 or level 4 and so on. Below 6, is when you start to go down hill, I was all the way down to an 18 :( but I've worked my way back up to a 10. In a pretty short time with the nose spray. So if you happen to have low dense bones you have a lot of options available. Now it's the long hard slow fight for me to get to a 6 or as close to it as I can.

Good luck,


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