If you could visit anywhere in the world?

Wow!! Adventurous ladies here, I am impressed!! I also would like to swim with a dolphin one day (forgot to mention that) May all our adventuresous dreams come true!!:D :D
I've always wanted to go on one of those Earthwatch expeditions, where you stay for two to four weeks in exotic locations and work with scientists. Anywhere would be fine, but I was especially interested in the trips to study dolphins off the coast of South Africa and the archaeological dig to study the great potato famine in Ireland . . . ooh, ooh, and the sea turtles in the Galagos, and . . . . I'd also love to visit a semi-secluded (I like electricity and running water, ooh, and maid service and restaurant meals, and . . .) Caribbean island. Sheesh, I'd really be happy just to go ANYWHERE! :)

I want to go to Greece and Egypt. I am fascinated with ancient history and would love to visit all the historical places in both those countries.
I am very fortunate. Since I met DH, I have been to:
Hawaii (all the islands)
London, England
Edinburgh, Scotland
Paris, France
Rome, Genoa and Naples, Italy
Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt
Rhodes and Santorini, Greece
Cozumel, Mexico

I want to visit Northern Europe and Venice and Florence, Italy. I also loved Scotland so much, I want to go back.
Ohhh. candi.. Iam jealous!! All incredible beautiful places..rich in culture, it must be life enrichment at its best!! Naples, Italy that is where my family originated, from that is on a to do one day list for sure. More happy adventures to you
Groundhog, yes, I have been very fortunate. My husband has been all over the world and even worked in China for a few months, dived the Great Barrier reef in Australia, and went on a Safari in Africa. He's very adventurous.

My grandmother's family's roots are also in the Naples area. It was neat to see at least a little of the countryside. Lush in farmland. Very beautiful. I'm jonesing for another European trip. DH and my 5 year anniversary next year and I'm hoping Venice and Florence.

My experience has been when you visit other countries, you get a whole new perspective on the world. Yes, the US has ~250 years of history, but visiting countries that have thousands of years of history is mind boggling. To stand in front of the Pyramids in Egypt was truly awesome!
LOL! I thought people would think I was extreme for saying Alaska! An Alaskan cruise would be just lovely :) Antarctica would be my second choice, or maybe Greenland...
I'm with Kathryn on Egypt, but every time I tell someone that they say, "Oh, that's not safe!!" It's a DREAM people!! I'd love to see the pyramids.
Groundhog--I swam with a dolphin back in June in Florida (panama city, to be exact) but it wasn't by choice!!! It scared the S#$* out of me b/c I thought it was a shark!! The really cute boys who worked at the tiki hut right next to where we were set up on the beach assured me that it was a dolphin and had been there all morning hunting for fish along the newly-formed sandbar. But let me tell ya--a 5-foot long, silver, fin-havin', shark-lookin' thing swims by you in the ocean and your going to pee your pants!!:eek:
Oh my goodness Ashley! I cannot even imagine. I'd pee my pants if a goldfish swam next to me. Well, maybe not if it was Nemo!

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My apartment! If I had time, that's where I'd be. I envy anyone who gets to spend all the time they want at home, doing their Cathe workouts instead of trying to squeeze in 20 mins. here or there. I'd get myself a puppy, and be available to walk it day or night. I'd cut out recipes and cook dishes that looked enticing in magazines, and serve dinner to my very shocked DH! I'd take yoga and pilates classes. Ah, wouldn't it be lov-a-lee.....

Well, I can dream, can't I?

When we were in Egypt, there were Egyptian guards walking around with machine guns (it was in 2000 right after the fighting started in Israel). It was a little intimidating but after awhile, the danger just didn't register.

At my age (49) I figure I'm not going to let fear cheat my out of opportunities to see the world. I'd be with DH anyway and our wills are made out so my daughter would be taken care of. For me, safety isn't always first.

My first diving trip after my certification a shark swam right up to me in the Florida Keys. I looked him in the face long enough for my husband to take a picture. Granted....it was only a 6 ft nurse shark.
Greece - the Olympics coverage and the beautiful pictures of Athens and the country make me want to go even more.

Italy is a close second.

Egypt! I envy my mom because she went there early this year.

I guess the pyramids fascinated me in a sense that it is unbelievable how a civilization like ancient Eqypt built colossal monuments like the pyramids, the sphinx and the temples at Karnak, without the use of machines!
New Zealand!!! I've been to Ireland and it is absolutely
stunning. My cousin moved from Ireland to Australia and vacations
in New Zealand and says it is the most awesome place on earth.
Says alot to me as Ireland seemed the ultimate, especially the
cliffs in the south. After New Zealand, it would be Scotland.
When's that power ball going to roll our way?

I always wanted to go to Ireland and finally made it over a few months ago - absolutely beautiful! And the people are fantastic there, we met so many cool people.

I've also always wanted to see Italy and my fiance and I will be going there for our honeymoon in April.

Scotland, Australia... there are many more places I would love visit!

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