If you could pay someone to work out for you.....


would you? We had a really fun conversation last night at my gym about this. I was midway through my leg routine, sweating like a pig & feeling kinda tired & crappy. I asked the trainer on floor duty if he'd lift my weights for me. :p Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, he gave me a blank stare for a few minutes, laughed, resumed the blank stare, then said "hey, that would be a heck of a business if we could figure out how to do it." (like I said, not really a rocket scientist)

So after more goofing off I started thinking, in a perfect bizarro world, if I could hire someone to do the work & still get the same results, would I? I think I wouldn't. Maybe every once in a while when I'm not feeling so great just to maintain, but I really do enjoy it for reasons other than health & appearance (great stress relief, most of all).

Then I'm thinking more (dangerous, I know)--how many exercisers are in it for the results, & how many do it b/c they really love it? Please note this is not a judgement on one or the other. As far as I'm concerned, if someone is actually doing the work, it doesn't much matter whether they're enjoying it or not. ;)

But I am curious--how many of you would hire this magical exerciser, & how many would tell her or him to buzz off, you want to do it yourself?
Laura, I feel like you do - some days when I'm feeling crappy, yes I'd hire someone, but for the most part, I'd do it myself. I like the way it feels to lift a heavy (well, heavy for me anyway haha! ) weight where you actually feel the muscle fibers pulling and can see them moving. I love the feel of flying over the bench in a step class and being in total synch with the other people in the class/beat of the music.

And I wouldn't want to miss out on the after effects - I always feel so good after a workout and it makes everything else kind of flow. I'm happier, more relaxed, etc. and sometimes it lasts for the whole day! Nope - I could never give all that up! :D
I might. I'm very result oriented. Everyone thinks I love to cook, I even have a cooking blog, but if I could pay someone to prepare my meals to my exact specifications I'd hang up my oven mitts forever. It's not that I don't like cooking, but I enjoy the eating much more.

As far as exercise, I enjoy it, but I'm not really a fanatic. If I had never gained weight it probably never would have crossed my mind to take it up. If by results you mean not just the improved appearance, but also the other benefits - feeling good, increased energy, etc. then sure, I'd outsource it if I could. I mean can you honestly say you'd continue working out just for fun if it didn't produce any positive results?

Also if I could outsource, I'd have the clone do things I hate; like running. The only way I could see myself doing any serious running is if I'm being chased by the cops. And, unless I was being pursued by Chief Wiggum, I'd probably get caught.
I mean can you honestly say you'd continue working out just for fun if it didn't produce any positive results?

Hmmm that's a good question. I really do love it, but now it's part habit, part addiction. If there was no payoff at all.............I dunno. :confused:

LOL at Chief Wiggum! What about Andy Griffith? :p
No way! I love my workouts. I wouldn't want anyone else doing them for me! Even on the days when I feel crappy, once I get started I feel great and accomplished. :)
Hmmm that's a good question. I really do love it, but now it's part habit, part addiction. If there was no payoff at all.............I dunno. :confused:

LOL at Chief Wiggum! What about Andy Griffith? :p

Sheriff Andy of Mayberry could definitely out run me. I might stand a chance against Matlock.
On some days I might say yes...like esp when Aunt Flow is in town or I'm too tired to lift my finger let alone a dumbbell. But generally, I really do love working out. It's such a great stress reliever and I feel so strong after a tough session. Not to mention when I'm doing a Cathe DVD, I'll pretend like I'm teaching a class and my boss is in it, and I am screaming at her to work work WORK and stop half-a$$ing everything. ;)
There is no way I'd let anyone work out for me :) I love it too much. Yes, the results are a nice little bonus, but I'm in it for the actual workouts :) For some reason I can't quite understand, I LIKE the pain, the sweat and the exhaustion :)

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