If i have Gym Styles do i need Pure Strength?

I am looking to build/maintain my strength and muscle mass. I am using Gym Styles and Muscle max with good results right now... and was wondering if i would benefit from using the Pure Strength as well to mix it up and keep things fresh. Or would you recomend any other Cathe, Slow and heavy maybe? I also have MIS and like that as well. I would like to only stick to Cathe for strenght as i really enjoy her.

Thank you and Happy Holidays.
My first reaction is "Yes, you must have all of them". But, truly, it depends on what you are trying to achieve. If it's muscle mass, I would say Slow and Heavy and/or the Pyramids would be a better choice.

You will get other opinions, I think, but these are my choices for building mass :).

If you are looking to mix it up, than I would go with the Pyramids or Slow and Heavy. You might get more use out of the Pyramids but S/H is really different. I say, watch the clips of these two.

I think you should get S and H. The pyramids are good, but IMHO, they are more endurance building than mass building.

Pure Strength is a great series, but I think S/H would be a bigger challenge and offer more variety to your current collection.

Lynn M.
I use the pyramids constantly to mix things up - love them - very endurance based but also strength based and they whip it out in hour or less...

Slow and Heavy is a three day workout - similar in format to GS, but the way the exercises are done is very very different = maybe do S&H for two to three weeks and then move on to something else....I find it difficult to concentrate with S&H for longer than two weeks myself...its very slow controlled movement - great for mixing it up though
S&H for building muscle mass and strength. It will do way more for you than any of the other series.

However, don't forget that our lower body often has different needs to our upper body. I never do the S&H lower body workout at all. I use Gym Styles as my number one go-to workout for the lower body, but I can see PS for the lower body and also Pyramid lower body as being entirely useful. I started off my Cathe career with PS lower body and it was very useful. It is not at al the same as Gym Style for lower body.

PUB is much more endurance based and it is hard to build any muscle mass with it. It moves so fast.

to me pure strength is her easiest and an old workout, maybe her first total body series. i agree,pyramids or s&h


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