If Cathe knew what I called her today . . .


. . . during L[M]eaner Legs, I think she'd certainly blush! :eek: I haven't done this workout in years - YOWZA!!! I had more than one cursing reply to her "Did you feel that?" question!}( I couldn't seem to leave well enough alone, so then I tacked on the PLB stability ball routine - can you say pre-DOMS already?! This is another segment that I haven't done in over a year - I don't know what to blame more tomorrow: LL or PLB!

. . . . too scared to stand up from chair because of discomfort . . . BUT I LOVE IT!!!!

i hear ya! i did PLB today and i clearly remember saying some not so nice things at 5 a.m. this morning. Nobody can push me like Cathe. I would love to take a live class with her someday.

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